Time to play guess that engine.

you start by making a video or sound clip but you cut the video out. then you post the clip and people try and guess what engine is in that clip. than after they guess the clip add the video to the clip and repost the clip with video and audio.

right click save as

if you can’t guess i have a easier clip

^^scooby, and well i dont have a sound or videoclip.


ip work for me and i’m at my friends house

i think there is 2 engines in that clip. one sounds like a chevy 350 and the other sounds like a bike.


what kind of scooby.

its that supra, i cant remember where the clip of it is tho


ill make another one a lil later

WRX wagon…just like teh roflcoptr!!!

sorry its actually not a scooby at all. try again. :slight_smile:

rx7 for urs somedude


bet no one will get this one unless they’ve seen it be4.


Either you’ve seen all of these or your that damn good.

sorry i completely forgot about this thread.

mine was a clip of my sexy 3 cylinder saturn :slight_smile: nobody said the engines had to run properly.

i’ll make another one




That sounds like my friend’s Chevy Caprice. Not sure of the exact engine.

guess what ladies and gentleman its time to play again!


ooo ooo i know i know

I need/want to hear more than idling. Give me a couple of revs!

can’t give it a rev. that will give it away

I’m just amazed that somedude didn’t post a clip of a SHO motor to start this thread.