Time Warner to begin charging monthly fees to use their modems

Wow, this all seems to fly over people’s heads. Whats OUT of control are people being walked all over in society and accepting it as the “lesser of two evils” when they put up with it time and time again. Enjoy the trend, while I will try to find ways to step aside and keep the foot prints off my backside. It has nothing to do with who owns what, what they sell, what you buy, needs or wants, none of that was anything I was arguing. The point was when you accept a service, and the terms of that service, those terms can’t just change on a whim from the owner(s) discretion. It’s like me selling you a year’s supply of oil changes from CRC for a flat set rate, then 6 months into decide I will now charge $4 a month for the little reminder sticker I provided you on your windscreen or something.

And it has nothing to do with a private company. What if they got away with this, and then NYS DOT decides that they want to charge EZ-Pass customers $5 a month for the fucking little white box? SAME SHIT DIFFERENT POCKET.

You have all of what 3 tv providers in the area? What happens when all those guys piss you off to the point where you “STOP WHINING about EVERYYYYTHIINNNGGG” and just cancel your services? But you still want TV. Now what??

If they can pitch, and prove to consumers your $4 a month will actually contribute to a quantifiable addition to service… ANNNND you can somehow prove it yourself to make sure they are not bullshitting you. AWESOME! Why not just make it a plan option, or when you renew your terms include the price hike for said better service. Masking a charge like this as “better service” isn’t good business practice.