Time for a new modem? (Time Warner)

I have had the same modem since we used to have Adelphia back in the day (2002) and it has always treated me well, never had it crash or need to reboot the modem.

I am suppose to be on the standard 10/1 plan for Time Warner, and upload speeds are always good (close to the rated), but my download is pretty crappy for the most part.

Some of the speed tests will get me into the 6mbps at times, but usually into the 4mbps on various sites. I rarely get more then like 350-450kbs when downloading from various web sites (not torrents).

So, is my ancient webstar dxp100 holding me back on downloading?
I was also looking at new modems to just purchase and then not have to pay a lease fee anymore does anyone know if either of these will work with Time Warner?
Motorola SB6120
Motorola SB5101U

Located in Pendleton (North Tonawanda mailing address/phone number) if you need specifics send me a pm.

Did you try the speedtest directly into your modem?

Use http://speedtest.nyroc.rr.com

I can’t see that right now from work, but I will look at it from home. Is it the one that lets you pick like 6 or 8 different locations?
I was using http://www.speedtest.net/ my higher speeds came from going into the Ontario server I think, the Chicago/NYC stuff was slower.

The one I posted lets you pick any division in this region.

Sometimes speedtest.net is just slow

Alright, will give that a try tonight when I get home and post up the results.
I will try with and without my router, but I am very sure that there is no speed loss from that.

I can pull up your modem later and see if your levels look good and if your modem is erroring at all.

I don’t do that much with the RF/Cable modem stuff but I know enough to point you in the right direction.

PM LZ. He can upgrade you to Wideband and a new modem for free. If he doesn’t respond make sure you send him a few messages. He sometimes forgets.

It would have been funny if I didn’t already post…

I can’t get anyone free stuff

That is an old modem man, I had a dpx110 in the day and they were tanks. Today it is probably holding you back, do not buy that 6120, that is d3 and right now you are not allowed to use your own d3 modem. I’d go with the sb5101.

Buy your new one, and bring both to the local office so they can switch it for you.

Modem Serial Number
Cable Modem MAC Address
Hardware Version
Software Version
1.0.5 r1.1.3 (dpx100-v105r113a.bin)
Receive Power Level
-8.43 dBmV
Transmit Power Level
55.00 dBmV
Cable Modem Status

Thats from my modem status today.

Ran the tests from the RR speed test. Most of them were giving 9mbps, which is the fastest I have ever seen it go, Binghamton and New England servers were in the 7mbps.

Speedtest.net I was getting 6mbps from the various ones I picked.

Then went and tried downloading something large through http

350kpbs sustained download speed.

So on network seems great, but getting off the network not so great.

Signals are just short of being crap, that 55tx is not helping your speeds. I’d start with a new modem and see what speeds you get, many modems still hit their cap with 55tx.

what is the command to get the status of the cable modem?


Thanks for the help guys, gonna pick up the docsis 2.0 motorola then. How long does it take when they provision a new modem for it to work back at home and such?

edit: Also is there a difference between the SB5101 and the SB5101U? The SB5101U I can get for around 60 with shipping from newegg, but the other one is more expensive.

on the buffalo server i was 24.42 download and .97 for upload

I dont know if its good or bad, but they can stop calling it 100 mbps any time now haha. That and why the fuck is it so expensive still. between net, and 2 cable boxes running digital cable, no add ons except speed channel my bill is a little over 140$ a month.

I bought a used 5101 off craigslist for $15 and called it in. Gave them the mac address and it took about 5 minutes. It’s super easy and painless…doooo itttt!!! :wink:


The next plan skipping turbo is a 30/5 plan, right? I assume that requires a docsis 3.0 modem that would be supplied to me, can you tell me what modem is being supplied for that tier?

Also, assuming that plan is available at my location, how much is this affected by internal wiring? Our house is a bit complicated with 4 tvs plus the modem, 3 separate rooms with tvs and then the last tv + modem is in a single room.

Skipping turbo they have 30x5 and 50x5

They usually give out the Ubee it has wireless N and a bunch of other features

They do have a SMC and Motorola D3 modems but they shouldn’t be giving them out lol

And since I am retarded and didn’t think to ask, the Turbo 15/2 plan only requires a docsis 2.0?
