So a couple weeks ago I got so sick of Time Warner’s cable issues I canceled my digital cable and had Dish Network installed. For those of you that didn’t see the thread, Dish Network kicks ass. Want details? Search.
So anyway, I decided to keep the cable modem since Verizon didn’t offer naked DSL at my address. Since the cable got dropped it has gone out 4 times, each time locking me out at their network level only allowing me to browse to the account activation page. 2 times I called tech support, they said it was because of the change on my account, and they reset my account and it would work fine for a few days.
On the 3rd time this happened, last night, I was getting pretty pissed so I asked to talk to the next level of techs. “Mindy”, teir II support was nice and honest enough, but not really able to fix the issue. She could reset it again, but basically said she couldn’t guarantee it wouldn’t happen again. But at least she was nice enough to give me a reference number and explain that I wouldn’t have to go through the bullshit of removing my router and connecting my laptop directly to the cable modem next time.
So tonight it goes out again, same problem, but this time I’m really pissed. I called support, and the dipship level I tech refuses to do anything until I have my laptop connected directly to the cable modem. We do that, she resets it, and of course it’s working again. Now here comes the part that put me over the edge. She then proceeds to tell me the problem must be my Vonage router. I rip into her pretty bad about the fact that the Vonage router has worked for almost 3 years without a single change to the config, and that the only thing that has changed is I canceled my shitty cable service. I also explain that 3 techs before her, including a level II tech, all agreed it was something in the account setup but could not figure out how to fix it. She won’t budge, I demand her supervisor. Amazingly, she tells me there are none available on the floor. I explain to her how they were just on channel 2 news the night before about using the, “No supervisors are available” excuse, and demand she go find one, even if means calling one at home if there really are none available.
Wow… was that a mistake. She found one all right, all the way from fucking India from the sounds of it. Belinda gets on, reviews my long case history, and agrees the vonage router is not the problem. Belinda’s inability to speak clearly is only eclipsed by her total lack of technical ability though. She proceeds to tell me she needs to setup a 5 hour window to have a technician come to my house and test the lines and modem, because in her supervisory opinion my issue is connectivity.
Lets back up a second here and review.
- My connection is rock solid when it works. No dropped packets, great bandwidth etc.
- My hardware, at least on the cable modem side, was working pretty much flawlessly until I canceled cable service. (I say pretty much because there was that Adelphia DNS issue a while back).
- This is the important one. Even when I’m “down” I can still hit the account activation page.
So Belinda and I go back and forth and I finally beat out of her an admission that the account activation page is not in the firmware of the modem, it’s on an Adelphia server somewhere. What she refuses to accept is the fact that if I can get there, obiously the fucking hardware is working fine. I drop it down to the level of “Mr packet leaves my laptop, goes to your cable modem, follows the line out to the pole, travels over to your server, gets the login page, and comes back the same route to my laptop”. “Please explain where the communications link is broken”. So at this point she’s fucked and has no idea what to do. She hands me off to billing thinking they can find something that is causing this. I can tell this is just to get me off the phone, so I manage to get her to refund my account for this entire month before I let her transfer me.
So, now I’m talking to the billing guy. I immediately drop the irate caller attitude and talk friendly to this guy, knowing he is quickly going to realize I just got dumped on him. He agrees, pretty much admits Belinda is an idiot, and transfers me to some super secret department of techs that much be the last bastion of intelligence at Time Warner.
I talk to Mark, level unknown, but I can tell he’s a smart guy. We talk for a bit (again, I’m back to amiable, because Mark hasn’t tried to dry hump me yet). He quickly agrees that tech onr was retarded for suggesting it was Vonage, and Belinda was even more retarded for thinking it was hardware. He agrees with my assessment that if I can hit the account activation, my hardware is good. So Mark decides to pull one from the old school troubleshooting playbook. When in doubt, delete everything you can and start over. He deletes all my account settings and re-creates them, and says that should do it. I like the sound of it. Mark gives me another case number and advises that if I have any more issues, call with that and I will be sent directly to the escalation team.
In closing…
cliffs… if you don’t want to read it, click the back button.
Edit: and grammar/spelling nazis… have fun. I typed this entire thing without proof reading or spell checking, so I’m sure there are errors. Considering people can read leet speak I’m sure they can figure it out.