WTF internet?

Anyone else’s TW fucked up today? Can’t get to gmail, M&T web banking, ebay doesn’t load properly, etc… etc…

i agree, lots of fucked up sites…connection to poker going on and off… some people can’t get to TW email… etc.

it’s weird for me too. i can get on to certain sites on my desktop and then it won’t load them for my laptop … then it just stops working … nyspeed is the only thing that’s usually always working for me.

https sites?

My internet is fucked up also. I cant get on yahoo, gmail, my MSN messenger wont load. Its annoying as fuck

Sounds like someone fucked up their firewall and is blocking port 443(SSL) traffic

does anyone know TW’s policy as far as compensation for complaints about certain shit…

like on demand shit now working also and when internet is fucked like now

i think in some areas they are making an official switch to Time Warner servers. so yeah, u might be experiencing outages

Internet was completely down late last night, gmail has been screwed up for me all day though.

I am the same way and I am not even in the area

yea fucked up here as well. TW is reporting issues w/in the wny area.


glad to hear other people are getting screwed too…

add honda-tech to the sites that arent opening correctly.

… sigh. I just won’t post in here considering this problem is now my job. Doh.

Every server was officially migrated starting at midnight last night to 730am this morning. 100% complete, now time to work the bugs out.

yeah, and now all UB students that have Time Warner officially cannot log into many of UB’s online services. WOOO HOOOOOOOOOOOOO. finals week and now access to UBLearns!!!

yeah my internet is fucked up right now too.

Wonderful for me since i have an 8pg paper due tomarrow and i can not get anything from UB :bloated:

yep, check cit alerts for updates

same here