WTF internet?

try changing DNS servers… i was having some issues loading random pages, others were fine which sounds dns like to me. I changed mine to our works DNS servers and it seems to be working better

Same issues here, appears to mostly DNS related to me.

how would one go about changing DNS? For the computer stupid…

Windows XP?

Start | Control Panel | Network Connections
–right click Local Area or Wireless
–left click properties
–left click Internet Protocol
–left click properties
–choose use following DNS servers and type in what you want

Ref: open dns servers, or someone elses.

Also just throwing out that this has not resolved the issue. Today/tomorrow are my day off so I’m not gonna have any updates.
However, I’ll check my email to see if we figure something out.

thanks, i gave it a try, but it did not fix anything.

I hope TW gets their shit together soon, this is pissing me off

FUCCCCK now the game just went off…

not me…

im at UB…lol

luckily broadcasts otherwise id attack work.

Damn,. I was just about to kick the pc.
TW sucks

bitch at Ryan if your in Buffalo, bitch at me if your in Rochester. But I only deal with RR/DP issues

No yelling at me :frowning:

Yea, my internet went out for 6 hrs last night, then when it came back it was BLAZING slow… Now its alright ish…

only site that seems to be working is this one. yahoo, myspace, facebook and ebay aren’t work. wtf? can we complain?

hmm im really not having many issues at all :confused: the fiance complained the myspace wasn’t working a few times but it did seem to come up eventually

Facebook works fine over here, the ones I’ve noticed won’t work are myspace and ebay.

However, ultimately more important my movie channels were down, luckily HBO came on otherwise it would be done for, I can’t be without Entourage later!

yahoo, myspace, gmail, MSN messenger, and other random ones dont work for me

Time Warner having issues… message said it would be fixed between 9am and 9pm…

doubt that will happen though

my gf called me at work, i thought my opendns nameservers went down the way she was describing it.

I got home, and figured out it was TW’s fault right away.

no gmail. fucking assholes. i need it.

^^^im trying to upload n00dz for you and its not working