Rate Increase for Time Warner Customers


Rate Increase for Time Warner Customers http://www.wkbw.com/images/design/spacer.gif http://www.wkbw.com/images/design/spacer.gif
Dec 20, 2006 - Time Warner hasn’t worked out negotiations with the NFL Network or Fox, but customers will have to pay more for cable next year. Time Warner says programming costs have gone up 20 percent. So it’s passing on a 5 percent increase starting February 2007.

Depending on where you live, most customers will pay 2 dollars to 2.50 more in 2007. The cost of DVR is going down by 2 dollars, and Time Warner is reducing the rate of some equipment.

With Time Warner still negotiating with the NFL network and with Sinclair for Fox, it’s expecting some backlash from subscribers. The last rate increase was last February, when Adelphia raised rates 6 percent.

man these fuckers keep raising shit, as for the DVR service- i don’t pay for it- i got TV on my computer and it has dvr already on it :slight_smile:

Wonder if the internet service will be affected?

42.95 for roadrunner is silly for the shit speeds i’ve been getting.

The Verizon pro dsl or whatever is 29.99.

I still CANT get DSL or FIOS here in West Seneca, i’m so pissed.

The verizon rep says “inside of six months” is when they are expecting service to roll out to my area of west seneca.

Inside of six months I’ll be living in phoenix, and I’m sure they have more than one service provider there.

i think hamburg has fios. we’re getting it i believe…

i was surprised at all the boxes they install for fios. It is pretty baller but verizon will fuck it up. The only thing they do well is wireless.

mmm doesn’t affect me, i love it :slight_smile:

Sorry guys :frowning:

I live in westseneca and im capable of fios. They already wired the apartment up. im just waiting to see what kinda cable service they will be able to offer.

they have the channel listing on their website

i was just looking at it 5 min ago after reading this thread :slight_smile:
they need to get that shit over by my house.

You must be on the other side of union then.

I helped my brother with a few properties (he’s a realtor), in west seneca and I seen fios signs up at a few houses.

Here near the corner of union and clinton we can’t get either service.

The tv isnt close to ready yet, just the internet.

This is all the more reason for everyone to get dish, they dont rasie the rates every year. Ill still keep time warner for my internet b/c its seems to be cheaper with them an vonage for my home phone then getting verizon for both.

Time Warner. LOL!!! I laugh at EVERYONE who still uses them.


Come and see the light. Come see Thursday and Saturday night football games, and coming next year to the Dish Only crowd: 24, House, Family Guy, Simpsons, NFC football, endless Seinfeld re-runs (Fox Network for those who don’t know).


Dish is off the chain. I will never ever ever have anything else.

I <3 Dish Network.

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All TV providers will have a price increase in February. Happens every year.

Time Warner is just as shitty as Verizon is lol

yea, I just got my January bill… up $10 from the previous months… now it’s at $140/mo!!! I’m not happy…

Damn, does that come with a midget to change the channels for you at that price?

You’re such a douche, oh yeah and…

+2 :slight_smile: