Dish Network or Stay with Time Warner....

Ok so i am officially going to no longer be a TWC employee gave my notice. So no free cable or internetz for me any more.

I need to decide on Dish Network or stay TWC. Now the two biggest things I care about are DVR functionality and more HD content…

If I stayed with TWC my intention would be to get a Tivo since the TW provided DVR’s blow regardless of weather there running SARA(what you see here in buffalo), Passport or TW’s Developed “Navigator”. Now TW here obvisouly has shit for HD however I happen to know from a inside track they are close to deploying Switched Digital which should have more HD follow however being that I would be a Tivo user presumptively I would have to wait for the SDV Tuning Adapters to hit this area (who knows when).

Pricing for TW (this is just web based not sure if there are any specials I could get going from employee account to standard)
$89.95 (RR Standard 10/1 and Digital Cable) + $5.00 Digital Variety Tier + $5.00 Digital Hd Tier + $3.00 (Modem lease) + $4.95 (Cablecard) == 107.90

The above obviously does not include the Tivo upfront cost and monthly sub fee.

Next consideration is Dish Network, for the most part I have heard nothing but good things about the VIP series of DVR in that it is pretty damn close to Tivo and also a plus is the OTA tuner and the option to record 3 shows at once from the big local networks during the seasons with local hd. And there HD lineup overall is pretty damn good and they seem to be adding more at a decent pace, granted no DirecTV pace but good enough for me. Now this is just quick and dirty using the online tool for pricing…

Americas Top 200 $40.39 + dishHD Ultimate $20.00 + $9.99 Top 250 pack + local dma pack $5.00 + 15.58 Additional fees (which seem to encompas lease fees and dvr fee) == 90.96

Now my one major concern is getting DishNetwork and getting the 24 month contract only to not like it and kind of be stuck unless i want to pay a ETF. To the people who have dish on here how long have you had it and how satisfied are you. (JayS I know your take)

Two additional things is that my new digs will me reimbursing me for internet so I shouldn’t have to worry about the cost of internet anyway (not sure of the maximum but it would be at least 30 i imagine). Second is the reason for not considering DirecTV is there DVR I feel right now while looking promising just does not deliver everything I want.

I’ve had Dish for a total of ~2yrs.

My only complaints in that time:
Install issues - which were not Dish’s fault, and were corrected by a board member here for lunch money.

The only thing I really don’t like about Dish themselves:
MSG HD, or lack there of
The customer service stinks - international outsourcing FTL.

Otherwise I absolutely love my Dish setup. (2) 622s & a 322.

Dish rules. I won’t say more because like you said you’ve heard my detailed opinion on dish. :slight_smile:

PS. If you do go dish get in touch with me first and I’ll send you a club dish thing. I think we both get something for that.

Fuck, forgot about that.

Dish is great. Having use both, I prefer my VIP 622 to tivo. I’ve had it for just over 2 years now, at 2 seperate places. When I had it at school, going back to TW HD sucked enough that I got my parents to switch over the course of a 5 week break.

If someone hooks you up with a Club DISH card, you can get free installation WITHOUT the contract. I have them too, but im only 3rd in line. If you don’t like it, cancel, return your shit, and go back to cable. You have nothing to lose. That said, I guarantee that if you go Dish you won’t go back. Picture quality, even on SD channels, is much better than Time Warner on even the shittiest TV. You have DVR on all of your TV’s, instead of each room being extra. In terms of signal problems in bad weather, if you have an installer that knows his shit (I had a board member do mine, highly recommended) then they are a non-issue.

When I first signed up for Dish at our old place, I DID NOT sign a contract, because I was just trying it out…

We ahd it for ~8 months before moving into this house.

When we moved into this house I had no qualms about sigining a 18 month contract.


Jay i will keep that in mind… lack of SabresHd does suck but hopefully they wil wise up this year with RSN’s

For installer I seem to remember many recommended Carbonfiberhooded which i assume I can use his company to setup the order with the ClubDish thing.

You’ve got it.

I can tell you from the source that Time Warner has the contracts already for 4-5 more HD feeds that will be launched within the next few months, then around the same that start in 2009.

Switched Digital was almost ready when I left.

Only problem is at the end of the day you still have less than 20 good HD channels and with dish they are up to what ~80’s ish?

I loved my free Time Warner cable, but because it was free. Now I had shitty MDU but still wouldn’t pay for TW.

2 of my good friends are system engineers :slight_smile: they know nothing about the contracts but keep me informed on sdv, it is in testing right now.

I have to say I am strongly leaning towards Dish my only problem would have been convincing wife on contract but if I can get in with no upfront fees and no contract on that clubdish thing… wife might not have a problem

Although I imagine I lose the 39.99 1st, 10th and 20th month credit’s. Plus the DishHome Protection plan too.

time too talk to wife tonight.

correct on Carbonfiberhooded. You may be better off ordering direct through than Intertech, as they have a seperate contract with a seperate ETF as far as i know, and they get the install anyway.

Can I request a specific person from the installer?

I probably know both of them too, I worked with all the sys engineers before I left Buffalo some cool guys thats for sure.

As far as the topic on hand, switched digital can’t make up for lack of HD feeds, sure it will alleviate bandwidth and should enhance the picture somewhat but its not going to add HD pictures and in this day HD > SD all day long for those who care and can tell the diff (my gf still claims she cant tell the diff between the 2).

I don’t watch alot of TV, but i will say that I HATE watching SD, even digital SD at that, on a nice 16:9 HD set.

well since Buffalo and Rochester are now the WNY division of TWCable I am sure since we have switched digital video here that soon it will be coming to Buffalo. We currently have 44 HD channels here.

SDV isn’t in testing, its running now, just not many channels on it.

Thanks for the props boys!!

You don’t need to sign a contract if you don’t want to. You just have to pay $49.99 up front. Thats it. You can cancel a month later if you want or when the free movie channels run out (3 months).

If you do sign the contract and terminate early, I think it is now $10 times however many months you have left in the contract. Current contracts are two years in length.

If you want me to install it, just let me know when your scheduled (except Sun and Mon are my days off!). If your going to go through Intertech (your local regional service provider), let me know and I’ll get you setup. You can go contract or no contract through Intertech as well.

DirecTV all the way dude, I stand behind it 100%…its great. Lots of HD to choose from.

i just quit directtv. loved the picture but their customer service was the worst .