Dish Network or Stay with Time Warner....

irocmick, I agree with you in the customer service part, but I cant complain anymore because after my regular dvr broke and I wanted to upgrade to HD DVR I called them and threatened to move to twc and they gave me a deal I couldnt refuse at the time so I stayed. If it wasnt for that I would have been gone along ass time ago.

directv’s notorious for being dicks with customer service unless you try to cancel, then giving you whatever you want.

I used the online chat for Dish customer service when I needed them. They’re a lot easier to understand in written form.

Dish customer service is terrible too (Indian call centers that are clueless to anything new going on with Dish). But since it works so well I’ve only called them once in the 2+ years I’ve had Dish.

With TW you need good english speaking CSRs because you’re calling them once a week when their shit is constantly down. :slight_smile:

There DVR feature set wise cannot compare to Dish Networks…

What do you mean? Explain

Depends if you just want TV, or if you buy your internet also.

Right here in west seneca my only choices are TW or DSL for internet.

I had DSL in lockport, its a piece of shit.

When you bundle the internet with digital cable, and the free hd tier, and a free basic cable install in another room, its a better deal for me than the dish’s.

My bill comes to 96 bucks right now for internet and digital cable with the free hd tier.

I’m getting right around 10megabits down…

Basic version, go use a Dish Network DVR and a TW DVR. Hands down no contest the Dish Network DVR is light years ahead in features, usability, reliablity and speed. I had TW’s DVR for over a year then switched to Dish. Now when I stop by my mom’s place and use her TW DVR I laugh at how horrible it is in comparision.

Long version:

EDIT: Remember the first time you used a DVR after using a VCR all your life and thinking “wow, this makes my VCR seem so primative and useless”. That’s almost how you feel when you start using a Dish DVR after living with TW for a long time.

I can’t comment on DirecTV’s because I haven’t had them since the old test card/emulator days when they didn’t have DVR.

Well to start the HR20 or HR21 with AM21 cannot use more than 2 tuners at once this drives me insane when I need to DVR 3 shows in similar time slots during the fall/winter.

Secondly HR20/21 cannot do Dual Live Buffering.

30 Second skip (I don’t mean the 30 sec ff where I see the video 30 sec skip it just doesn’t show all the crap)

I am fairly certain series recordings don’t differentiate between first run and repeat episodes.

Another thing is I read the HR20/21 still suffer from the problems I had with the R15 when I had directv in that the trick plays and grid navigation and remote response are all laggy.

Another thing is the upfront cost DirecTV asks for ontop of the AM21 cost for OTA since not all locals are in hd yet and the contract irritates me.

VZ DSL here in buffalo is 3mb/768 and worked just as food as RR… shrug

I am leaning towards VZ DSL and upgrading to fios when City of Tonwanda gets it.

Either you’re getting hungry at 3:30pm or you’re posting from your iphone’s keyboard.

Yeah, good luck with 768 up and your dSLR flickr stuff. Start upload, walk away. :slight_smile:


Opps hehe

Well RR is only 1mb not that much of a difference

the DSL speed is actually a little above 3000/768 if you have a good connection. Mine usually tests between 850 and 860 up and around 3200-3300 down and thats with overhead, and you don’t have to worry about bandwidth being sucked up at peak times.

What’s that run you a month after taxes/fees/surcharges etc.

34.99 without vz phone line and taxes are small, looking at my old bill form when i had Directv, vz phone and dsl bundle… it was .47 county tax and .55 state tax. I assume that is just plain sales tax.

it was 19.99 + extra fees and crap for the first year, came out around 22, now it’s $32 total, with my landline through VZ. Mine likes to go out every time its raining hard though.

Dish DVR > *

Hands down, I would pay TWC an extra $20 a month no questions asked if i could get a dish DVR box to work with TWC.

Anyone that says TWC > Dish as far as the DVR world hasn’t touched Dish’s DVR, besides jerkin’ off with it 2 seconds at a family members house… maybe.

I could not believe, after this many years, i can’t tell TWC’s box to record only new shows… That has to be simple programming to get that going, wtf.

Last part is not completely simple the boxes we get here in Buffalo that run SARA (the Scientific Atlanta ResApp) don’t make use of the extended Tribune Media Services data that contains those fields. The current versions of the internal developed Mystro and OCAP Digital Navigators do not use it as well. The engine powering the later is referred to as GRID2 the newer renditions will use GRID3 which will use extended TMS data.

Although that is just one of the many problems. I will say that long term TWC internal software has much much promise but it is not that old and mature yet.

maybe that is a Buffalo only thing. In Rochester you can certainly have it record first run only.

probably, bufflo = SA, roch = moto