Time Warner Turbo

so there you have it! download porn post haste!

fucking nice… can’t wait to get home :tup:

suck that fios biters, now I don’t have to wait for shit :slight_smile:

yea and then host it from your house since we actually have upload speed now :smiley:

I think I just have standard :frowning:


That’s better :slight_smile: NYC to NYC comparison

it wasn’t shabby before, sweet!

I thought fios was like eleventybillion times faster than cable.

it has the potential to be, its capped like anything else. they are gonna start doing tv through fios, thats probably when i will bother switching.



it’s all relative, cable network has plenty of fiber already in it, for them it will be cheaper to extend out to full fiber. Verizon is just trying to jump ahead. Problem is the backbone needs to increase to… just because there is fiber out to neighborhoods doesn’t mean that they suddenly fabricated more internet. All it means is that your house can get to Verizon’s ISP faster (in a dumbed down manner of speaking). The problem before was DSL was so limited because of the distance limitations of copper cable.

Cable has less of an issue and as previously stated, much of their network already is fiber.

yea, in the end it will come down to between cable and fios which is cheaper and which has more HD channels for me.


stupid speed test site is sloowwww

So your implying the Verizon has less bandwidth then TW? :smash2:

Did I say that?

no, I said that just because they are building a fiber network does not mean they suddenly have more internet bandwidth on their backbone then they had when all they had was DSL.

I do not know what providers Verizon and Time Warner uses. I am simply talking about the networks in buffalo and what the changes mean. :smash2:

Uhhh that have the backbone bandwidth in place already :lol:

And if they didn’t its nothing more then creating a new virtual circuit…the back bone fiber is already in place…

[image] http://www.dslreports.com/im/32125412/3979.png [/image]

jesus fucking christ stop being faggots and talk about downloading porn

You’re totally missing the point… as someone that works with computers and networks this should not be this difficult to make you understand what I am saying.

I am not saying Verizon does NOT have the backbone. I am saying that so does Time Warner to provide the same types of residential speeds, and their existing network cabling provides a much easier transition to higher speeds. I cannot speak to what their routers can handle etc. as I am not a Time Warner employee.

I swear to god…

the 20 down /5 up package from fios is $49.99, no contract required.

they have a max of 50 down / 5 up right now for NY (@ $89.99 w/contract)

lol go download your own porn you sick bastard

here, this is your favorite site http://www.beastube.com (do not click this)

LOL@ the discalimer!!