Tin foil hat on..... homeland security ammo order...

As long as we’re having fun with numbers…

135000 weapon carrying DHS officers.

15 million hunting licenses issued in the US.

192 million firearms in civilian possession.

Yeah, if DHS wants a war they better buy a lot more than 667 rounds per officer in a year. :slight_smile:

that video is making my head explode with so much backwards info


And exactly how many of the above mentioned number of people do you expect to take up arms? As a part of the number would you? I’m willing to bet that less than 50% would. Just saying;)

What a shocker this thread turned into “I know more about guns than you.”

The point is we do not even need Homeland Security, it did not even exist a decade ago.

If they really wanted to protect us after 9-11 they would get the high powered people out of DC who have dual citizenship with Israel.


You do realize DHS isn’t new right? Come out from your bunker long enough to read something that isn’t a chain mail forward. It’s just a bunch of agencies that existed before 9/11 but never talked to one another re-organized so they have at least a chance of sharing information.

Yeah thanks. I knew that.

Are you going to address the other part of my post? Do you have any problem with top people in DC being Israelis?

Depends. Every time we debunk another one of your stupid chain emails are you always going to ignore that fact and jump back to your default ******* shadow government conspiracy?

EDIT… whoa… Z i 0 n i s t is a banned word? Maybe he’s onto something?

This is great lol

Yeah you are right there are no dual citizens in high powered jobs in DC and even if there are it does not matter. Great job debunking.:tup:


BED how about you start with a list of these people in DC and what actions they have done to induce your position.

Or how about this, first step, admit that the ammo thing was completely debunked before moving on to your next conspiracy.

Stop being the voice of reason. He doesn’t want to believe he just wasted a bunch of money on tin foil.

I was going to copy the top comment on that video, until I realized it was Ultradriver’s.

If 450M bullets is a lot, how many should the DHS be ordering?

I will make a thread in Politisuck and link it here so people actually see it.

---------- Post added at 10:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 AM ----------

Completely debunked in your mind. They purchased 750,000,000 rounds no matter what excuse you came up with for buying them.

See, this is why no one even wants to discuss things with you anymore. No matter how much evidence you’re presented with you dismiss it because it doesn’t fit into your conspiracy theory.

Which one of your posts states we did not purchase 750,000,000 rounds?
I will admit I am not a weapons expert but why use hollow points at a range?

It’s best to practice with the same ammo & load as when you carry so you can better predict the shots in the field. Generally speaking I’m on the same page as you but this part is a legit counter point.

The current contract is 450 million for the next 5 years, and we’ve shown how that’s just 56 bullets per month per weapon carrying officer. You haven’t posted where the other mystery 300 million came from, but I have little doubt it was the ammo they’ve used in the years prior to the current contract.

As stated multiple times, any firearms instructor will tell you it’s best to practice with what you carry. My glock 19 has considerably more recoil and flip using the PDX1 bonded 147 gr hollow points that I keep in it for defensive purposes than the 115 gr FMJ (full metal jacket) I use at the range. Ideally for best training purposes I’d only shoot PDX1 but at $22 for a box of 20 I just can’t afford it compared to $20ish for 100 FMJ. Now if I was buying it in quantities of 450 million I’m sure I could get a substantial discount though.

BUMP… although insignificant in size, why does the weather service need ammo?

just wondering if there is a logical reason behind this?

30k rounds is nothing, i know.