Tired of open container laws? STEALTH BEER!


If you’re starting with a can of beer and an empty can of coke, why not just pour the beer into the coke can? lol.

The sleeve idea is much faster, especially as you drink more and more beers and pouring from one can to the other becomes more difficult. :slight_smile:

wish i saw this before the rally :tup:

ew, then your beer would taste all cokey

Has anyone actually been stopped for the open container on here?

I recieved a open container ticket last year right in front of my freakin cottage, only cost $55 but i was pissed.

but chances are you did something else to bring the cop there right?

Maybe…why do you ask?


Haha it just seems like its along the same lines as being pulled over for a cell phone. Hard to notice unless you are doing something stupid that draws attention to you.

Actually not at all. I was sitting with my parents out by the road waiting for some other family so we could show them where to park. I just was not thinking i guess, our place is on the water and the cops are always walking around so i should have known.

A McDolands cup is much faster and easier.