tires!! need some help

Doesn’t look too bad…

ok maybe ur experimenting but this sounds _______ (il let the others fill this in)

ur probably better of doing that on a go-kart or something else other then on ur 240 if thats what car its going on.

we all get stubborn and want to try stupid shit, like trying to drink a whole case of beer to ones self in a night but this mite get u more then just a nasty hangover

poor Canada…

LIKE SHIT**STUPID^i filled in

What a twist!

how wide are the rims that the tires are going on? forgive me if you posted and missed it…

post a pic when ur done lol

Let him do it. and when it pops off and he crashes we won’t hear from him anymore. You can’t educate everyone… just let it be. Darwin. period.

i just dont want it to pop when im behind him or something

wasnt this huge on like the AE86? i dont think its a bad idea but doesnt seem right on a 240 the over all tire size would be way to small.

rock that dirty stretch gangster. big ups.

OMG is this retarded.
i really hope you get pulled over and slapped for this before you roll your car and kill someone.
death to the guy that actually mounts these things.

in all seriousness what is the point of streching that much? or is the point just to be different?

I can probably get you some tires close to that size if you want. PM me for info.

Man technology is amazing these days… this guy is IN a cell phone… how CRAZY is that!

ps your gonna die on a strectched 165 …


WHAT size is the fucking rim???

^^ exactly…everyone’s going crazy over such an aggressive stretch… but i have yet to see the op even post what the width of the rim is…

^Even if its a 6-7" wide rim, WHY the hell would you strech a tire on it?! And there will be basically no sidewall. Thats why everyones going crazy…

LOL this is thread is fucking hilarious…145 I don’t know why people do this stretching thing to their tires, looks stupid and defiantly ricer because there are no benefits other than the “Stretch Look”.

MTO will love that!