Very Nice Landis.

lol its ok…

i like it.

notice its already the logo for the “official member”

nice job landis.

i just added it see what it looks like :smiley:

it looked good… and 10seconds later its gone…

hopfully il have some time tonight after work to play around with photoshop/psp for a logo. and/or i’ll ask my girlfriend if she can come up with some designs. she is pretty good with paint shop pro.

cool man everyone still has a chance to make some. dec we will have a poll on the winning logo :smiley:

I played around with Landis’ logo a bit. Something for variation…

what about oldschool?

markhammax, it looks good but sorta hard to read “toronto”

and the oldschool look is nice. i like nice and simple. just maybe the toronto and club lettering be a tad bit bigger. but looks good.

just my 2cents.

Yeah I agree it is a bit hard to read. Partly because I shrunk it down - also because I didn’t want to mess around too much with Landis’ creation.
I’ll try something from scratch and incorporate the font I used in the banner.
What do you guys think of the banner btw?

i like the banner hehe and thanx alot for making it :smiley:

another design

Can we change the word “Club” to “Enthusiasts”. I see club as a Civic club type of word lol :smiley:

well this is and is not a club really… jsut basically a place for all nissan people come to chill… its not in anyway like the civic club. totally different thing. it can be called enthusiast or club. General idea on a club is where people go to meet etc. thats all this is. :smiley: its not a place where i say i own this you must follow me etc etc . here you can do whatever you like just respect others thats all we ask. we have meets we hang out. we have sponsors etc. just one big happy fam. without the club BS.

but add whatever you like to the logo lol . your design can do whatever you like :smiley:

I like the word “club”, it looks like a home.
everyone can talking here with any topic, not only for cars.
actually, I think the civic club is successful. it’s not bad.

Why not change the word club to “community”?

+1 Another good word. I just think club is played out, that’s all. lol Community is a good word cuz you don’t even need to change the TNC…:R

I’ve updated the “oldschool” type logo to reflect the “community” word change. Aswell, I have one logo for a black background (black t-shirt) and another logo for a white backround (white-tshirt)

community looks odd club or Enthusiasts is fine but may i remind all of you that club fits better and the enthusiasts would have to be in a really small font on the shirt to fit so i would say reconcider…

“enthusiasts”, “community” or “club”
it just a name, like TMEC also use the word “club”
nobody oppugn it. cause it just a name.
we shouldn’t waste the time to discuss it.

actually, it’s a little late to change the name right now.
I think lots of people put the “club” sticker on their cars already.
so, if we change the name now.
maybe they need take the sticker off, and put a new one on it.
that’s not an easy work. and it will waste the time and money.
it’s not good for anybody.
so… just keep it going.

how do your guys thought?
go back to the thread. the topic is logo, not the name.