^^ i second that but yes landis im liking that logo. ive been trying to make others but not finished any of them yet but i like the lastest one you did by far :R

question where did you get the big nissan logo? cant find it anywhere. do you mind sending it to me.

I cut the logo from homepage of

i think the old school logo from bohead is nice, old school is the way to go…it looks original…im not trying to cramp any other style all of these logos are nice too but trying to get toronto’s skyline in the background of the pic is hard…and to get the toronto nissan club words in there too…i like the one from bohead…

actually i think the only thing from that logo i like is the font, nissan changed their font a while back…i just like that one better

I’ve changed community back to club…and I’ve also played with the font for “toronto” and “club” a little. here are two logos…again one with a black backround (for black shirts and caps) and one with a white backround (for white shirts and caps)

i like them bohead, would make a nice little sticker as well.

looks pretty good bohead! The only thing though is that the second “t” looks like the cross for some reason…and even weirder, reminds of the KKK. That Kramer thing must’ve stirred things up in my head lol!

yeah, I was kinda concerned about that too…its the font, but its easily changed. Kinda wanted to model the font after a kinda “biker gang” feel. Any other opinions?

i think it looks better with just a clean, san-serif font, sorta like the original logo you had with the “Community” instead of club.

There, I’ve modified the font so it doesn’t appear to look like a cross…

looks good, but what about if you can get it to the original colours too?? with the blue red and white…i think those were the colours no?? omg i should know this:confused:

So i guess here are your choices. Any other suggestions or comments?


but i’ll make use of it, I think the black and white looks better. The color version reminds me of an Esso sign.

i like the black n white ones. but the colour one is also very nicely done. could look good on some stuff.

The designs all look great!

Just to clarify, these are logos for the site, and not stickers right?

yeah bohead that looks sick… i really like the colour one, but for some reason the font looks like cartoon ‘ish’…is that the original nissan font ???

looks really good tho i like it a lot…good job!

Nope, It isn’t the nissan font. Right now its just a concept. I didn’t make a hi-res image so some distortion is probably occuring. If that’s the one everyone likes, I can try to source the original Nissan font and create a true EPS file.

looks good man

So I guess this endeavour has come to a halt?

Personally…i like this one :)…nice work

its still going on guys…keep em coming :slight_smile: