Hello folks,

If you’re browsing the forums this week you’ve probably noticed some significant changes. A lot of the plug-ins are gone, the default settings have been restored and some of the sections are rearranged or inaccessible at the moment.

In short, Rick has been terribly busy of late, and understandably so. For that reason among others we’re stepping in to help restore stability and consistency to TNC.

Gautam, Mike and I have been working hard to clear up some of the stuff behind the scenes here and we expect to make the new theme active in a few days.

Over the course of the next few months you’ll see TNC restored to full glory.

Thanks for looking, thanks for reading and keep on coming back, this is a significant step forward for the Ontario Nissan community, we hope you’ll share it with us.

LoL son take over

I’ll stick around as long as it doesn’t turn into what SON became.

The new theme is now live…

we’ll make a more formal announcement in the coming weeks. There are other loose ends to tie up prior to a mass e-mail.

hey guys.

I love the new look, the forums look amazing. good job. i hope everyone that was on TNC will stay on the site and make it more active even more so than before, now that you guys can manage it and keep it organized and flowing .

hope you get a good response from veteran TNC members and new users as well.

I have no time for much anymore. the Army takes up most of my life.

I’ll be on every now and then so say hi.

post people! make this forum active again. You have people willing to work hard so you can have a place for you to come and chat, put events and meets etc together take advantage of that offer.

Ill be on soon


Looking good, I’ll be sticking around…i don’t have a car anymore but it’s all good…lol

Wicked look guys, I’ve been hangin’ around, hope we can get some more active members. Keep up the good work. Much appreciated

oh lovely.

everyone on her came here to get away from the retardness of SON and now its being run by SON, so why come to tnc? why not just say on SON…

oh well maybe the maxima and altima guys will get a kick out of it…

alls well that ends well.

Cool, forgot I was on this site.

of course you did

TNC is back lol
I dont mind it being run by a few SON guys, comon guys dont hate. I’m sure they are trying hard to restore the site give them a chance. It better then what TNC was when it was poorly mod’ed and spam was everywhere, Hope to see the site back up to it previous active level.


nice new look! rick u still owe me stickers from when i paid you at the york dale meet!! i know its a small thing but its the principle


The forum looks great.
Glad to hear everything is good rick-


bings taking over.

my PM box being 100% full is gayness to the maximum…

clean it out then… ok thanks bye

have a forum that doesnt have a gay ass limit…





Wow i never knew it came back to life haha, ill be back on here a lil more hopefully if it stays a lil more active

I concur… Now that Bing has a handle on things… We’ll see where this goes, lol