TNC - Going downhill?

Is it me or does it seem like less and less people r using this forum? It seems like TNC is going down. I liked the idea of this club, reason for that is its all Nissan owners. Its not one specific Nissan model. Nissan makes a lot of nice cars so why not have a club for all of them. But everyday I come on here to see if there is any new posts and there never is. It seems less and less ppl use this forum…

:{ :{

Same, after the “little” problem at the meet a while ago it looks like less and less posts are going up.

well heres the deal…

most of our members got cought up in that whole nissan nation deal thats now dead, and they all kinda just bailed from tnc and started saying how much it sucked and everything, and now that nissan nation is dead they dont want to come back and admit to being wrong, and thats fine. (my thoughts about it)

another thing was the big meet that the ricer 300 did the failed drifting kinda set things back.

also the fact that zep is leaving and he cant be on anymore and i have been busy and just that its summer! every one is doing there own thing and enjoying it while they still can.

but most of the reason is because people tend to come on and see no new posts and just logg off, if everyone who came on and saw nothing new made somthing new, than we would be in good shape… we just need to kick start things again, i have been trying to get more and more ppl on here, and the numbers and rising but we all must take our part in our club.

bottom line is, this is our club, it is what it is because its how we make it! so i think everyone should chip in a bit come on and shoot the shit so to speak. and it will become big again! so lets all take some pride in our club and be active!


definatly agree. I myself stil work on my car all the time, still check this forum everyday! dont really know why but I just dont post as often…

btw, the ricer is refered to is NOT me :slight_smile:

I don’t drive a Nissan anymore.

to be blut nissans are the last thing thats holds us together.

this is a comunity of friends. we can all be friends because were all the same. every nissan owner gets along because we all seem to have the same type of personality. like all j-body owners are assholes and all honda drivers are ricers (most) know what i mean?

lol … we can never stop brazzing hondas can we??? … but i agree TNC is more than just nissan owners … most of us have a passion of cars in general and every one has ups and downs … im a newbie so i dont know what events fastback refered to but oh well lets just make do with what we have and keep our chins high

Nissan Shift_ Life

i agree with what shawn said. we all need to find the time to make the site active again and post something new when they come on or reply to a thread.

I havent been on in a while due to me not having internet at home and i leave for quebec tomorrow for my army training.

but guys try to help the site and your club. if you want a great site make it that site. a club is only as good as its members.

try and post more and come to some meets.

ill see you guys in a few months once im done training.

cheers guys.

I agree with Shawn and Rick, Everyone should get more involved in the site. I can understand that a lot of us are busy with other things. But I’m sure we can still find a way to be involved, Like posting a replay, making a thread, other coming to a meet.

agreed, ps. my bad shawn for not making it out on saturday dude. I was dead tired, ive been trying hard to get my skyline stuff fixed…

I’m a regular lurker on many local boards and to be honest. The Yorkdale incident at the first meet you guys had this year put a bad name on this group. It is sad it took one idiot, but that incident was bashed on many threads. All the arrests that night and cars pulled off were sadly pinned to that event. Most forums out there many have posted " I will never attend a TNC meet again". Sadly this one idiot and possibly others that are not apart of this group ruined it for many. It is sad that the actions of one person but a bad mark on TNC.

I support any group out there and I was not at the event at the beginning of the year so it is unfair for me to pass judgement. I hope the TNC community can come back together and that this one persons actions do not reflect what TNC is about.

theres nothing interesting on this forum to reply to. theres nothing interesting for me to post either.

:hmm i think everyone should have like HUGE Decals advertising the site on their cars for a while then take it off. its free advertising shawn so start handing them out…LOL:D :drivin…its a good site but non of our member stay connected, and don’t show up to meet like this past saturday i was the only one their:mad: ???WTF where were you shawn???

You can spend years building a reputation, but it only takes one idiot to bring it all crashing down…

yeah to bad every one who got pulled over and there cars taken were from the skymeet. and at cg nowhere near us. they shouldent have been street raceing. end of story. how it somehow was attatched to tnc beats me.

The 300 drifting or whatever in the Yorkdale lot where the TNC meet was so everything got pinned from there which is sad.

no get the facts right, the cops told us to knock it off, nobody so much as talked to them BUT the mods/admin. there was a stabbing at yorkdale a week prior to the meet and the cops thought we were a gang and were getting together to kill sombody for the stabbing or some bull shit.

the people who got nailed and there cars towed were across town at commerce gate, they were at the skyline meet that night and went out for a tour and got nailed by a cop chopper. NOTHING to do with tnc.

nobody at or near the tnc meet got a ticket or any bullshit. i think they guy in the white 300 who pulled a j turn infront of a cop may have gotten shit but nobody else

regardless the white 300 was from team 24k and they were not invited.

what the … what are you doing here reality? get back on my350z "D

:PPE :open_mouth: