Should TNC be a unification of all nissan enthusiasts?

should g20 members and toronto maxima members become active members of tnc? should this site in some way affliliate itself with tmc or sog g20 or even toronto altima club as well as gtasentra?

just a question to pop out there

toronto NISSAN club… wtf do u tink?

yea seriously…

wouldn’t of put it as blatent as this, but yes I think it should. With one unified club offering a variety of style, taste and opinions, it would benefit everyone.

And it’d be good to wash out all these 300zx elitist’s, hardparking 240’s and ricer fanboi 350’s :stuck_out_tongue:

ya this site should be a home for all nissans.

and the last part… your just jelous you dont have one of the nice nissans to drive around in.

see. we skylines are the nice ones. we welcome all nissans with open arms. lol

soon enough ur gunna be one of us lol :wink:

wait since when have g20’s and maximas been nissans?

unless maybe… we changed it to www.torontonissan240/skyline/silvia/ ?

you would welcome anythign with open arms…

hahahaha ( turn your phone on!!!)

That hurt :frowning: . Maxima’s own all of you. Its Nissan’s flagship car. Therefore I’m the flagship of all of you mofo’s :smiley:

What??? Is this serious???
What kind of Moronic question is this?

People should join where ever they feel. If someone from the Maxima club doesn’t stand by values of places then thats their view. I like the direction of TNC and thats the reason I joined. Plus I’m greedy and like the fact there are not 50 riced Maxima’s on here (brings more attention to my car). Sounds bad but thats my opinion.

pcproa, what are of Markham are you in? I’m down there pretty often. My fiance lives in Denison/McCowan area.

now now be nice peeps… it was the point in making this website. and it would be cool if all the sites merged into one. more people more events with a bigger crowd. its up to everyone else not us… we are a pretty laid back community and alot of people like that.

I’m up at Woodbine and 16th but I’ve been down at McCowan and Denison a lot lately… I’m all over the GTA now actually. I’ve seen some pretty hot Maximas running around recently too

Ok. I know the question was very obvious, but what i’m trying to get at is that clubs like SOG g20 (for craps sake, at the end of the day its still a bloody nissan, at least, part of the family) son240, toronto maximas don’t really unite.

There are a lot of Honda forums that have managed to engage themselves in a community no matter which honda they drive, whether it be a NSX or a Tamil Tigers BMW 1989 accord sedan.

It shakes up the conversation a bit, we learn how maximas, g20’s, spec-v’s have the same rear suspension, certain cars have the same components, and it can potentially lead to swap meets.

If this site is strictly about Skylines, fine, thats cool, but if it is Toronto nissan club, I think more awareness should be brought to other vehicles, and the clubs of the other vehicles.

I’m glad that I got a “duuhhh dude, no shit” answer because everyone agrees in one way or another, what I’d rather ask is HOW we would go about doing that.

I don’t own a maxima or a g20, but i’m active on both forums, as well as etc. It would be nice to learn about cars within the nissan family other than the ones that you yourself own.

well i dont know where you saw that this is a skyline only site witch its not far from it. we do have alot of skylines and there is a section for everyone. but you hear more about a specific car because thos members are more active than the rest. we would love to have everyone more involved in every topic but that means people have to post more.

hey now, i happen to like my ricer fanboi 350z :{ why don’t you go suck on a lemon kev? :stuck_out_tongue:

i got something else for you to suck on big guy :stuck_out_tongue:

Zep has gone out there when this site came up. Thats how I found this group. He cannot keep harassing people to join TNC. Its people’s decission. He can’t site there all day and try to beg other groups to join. There are actually a lot of Maxima lurkers on here. If you feel the need then help out and get the word out about TNC. Its not up to 1 person to go around and beg all these groups for people to join.

if its a nissan forum and u either A. Have a Nissan or B. are facinated with nissan’s than u are welcome… if u are a shit starter that owns a different breed of car and provides no useful information than they are not welcome…

and so on are all welcome
If you love your car and u are a down to earth person that likes to kick it… than join the forum… eryone on here is nice… cept a few people… no names…