Should TNC be a unification of all nissan enthusiasts?

And now you have gotten to the point. Being on tmc, I see a thread zep made with absolutely no replies, even though I know there are many members of other forums that have grazed this site/forum before. If we can continue mutually communicating to each other, even forum operator/owner to operator/owner, it would be a great basis for toronto nissans united.

TMC has meets, GTAsentra has meets. I mean even making them the same location and time, why not.

we are tNc

it’s a good crowd here on tnc… a bit more different than tmec.

personally i just have been buzy with school so i cant whore my self here … but i’ve learned alot

just keep posting…

i dont have alot of time to scoot over to other forums as much as i have alot going on. would be great to keep in touch with everyone but time is an issue. i have work and am involved with to many projects for next year that its hard to keep up with everything and everyone

The first few big meets this year for TNC included a lot of these groups who have now dropped off. Can’t keep pushing people. TNC is new, give it time. As the saying goes “Rome was not built in a day”.

people vary when it comes to meets/groups… me personaly i’ll go to a meet with 10-20 cars/people I know and hang out… i wont be going to a 50 car+ meet… just depends on the person, some like to stick to their original group such as myself… others like to meet up with new and bigger crowds…

but one day things will change most likly

I was actually a bit dissapointed to see a severe lack of Infiniti owners on here. Has anyone linked people on g35driver, and the like? If not I guess I could. I know there’s a few others kicking around, but I don’t think they post that much (then again, neither do I lol)

we had a few but its up to them really… i dont like to spam other boards and take there users. but if they find us and want to stay great. they are all welcome.

With that in mind and those that have viewed this thread on tnc, if they are members of other local boards, take a bit of the load off of zep being a spammer and let your groups know so that our community can get more interconnected.

To be honest with you guys, I just want to learn more about nissans in general, different suspension dynamics, different engine setups, high revving engines, I mean I know absolutely nothing about the RB20, or a boosted ca16 or a red top sr20det etc etc etc. I’m a ka-t guy.