GTA Nissan Forum?

I’m here from the Toronto Maxima Enthusiasts Club (TMEC for short). I’ve been thinking of an idea that could bring us all together. By us I mean all the GTA, Southern Ontario & Toronto Nissan enthusiasts.
What would you guys think of combining TMEC, SON240sx & GTA Sentra into one club (ie; forum)?
I’m currently pitching this idea to each of these clubs this morning and anxiously awaiting some feedback.
I know there’s an Xterra club in southern Ontario as well as a small group of 300zx and Altima enthusiasts locally too. They’d be invited to join obviously.
To start things off, what would we name this club?,,,…??? Obviously nothing is set in stone because this idea has only just been hatched.
The benefits of us all coming together would be incredible. Think about obtaining more sponsors, much better group deals, local exposure, nissan canada exposure, enormous meets, discounts from GTA dealerships, a chance to learn much more about nissan from other enthusiasts.
I’ve only thought of a few negative occurences this club could suffer.

  • Conflict and Competition between our clubs.
  • Combining the sh!t disturbers from each forum into one large forum.
  • Lots of people may think it’s a PITA to start fresh and or move to a new forum.

Personally, I see through all of the negatives and think this could work out in favour for all of us. It’ll be chance to learn more about our cars and their owners. A chance to really have a say in the aftermarket community. There’s power in numbers, with us all together we’d be quite a large group.

There’s a lot of different ways to go about starting this site up. Let’s see what some of you think of this idea first and then work out how we’d go about starting things up. If the idea takes off, then we’ll organize a meet amongst all our members and start to plan this new clubs future.

Thanks for reading.
Ryan (shock211)

Southernontarionissans would be better (although a mouthfull)

toronto and GTA are too specific,

For an idea of how the community I’m proposing might function, check out

I don’t know man, we here at SON have a nice little community.

I think that everyone here is pretty happy with the way things are going.

Also, there would be lots of argueing when it came time to choose leaders and moderators.

Just my oppinion tho.

The SON240sx community is fairly close knit, there are certain behavioural patterns on this board that may not be liked on a larger board.

I can also see trouble starting up say for example between us and the SER enthusiasts.

As opposed to combining the various nissan forums, have you considered simply starting a general nissan forum?

That way whoever wants to be a part of it can join, and be a part of that community as well as the forums that they are currently use to.

Communitys and forums take time to grow, if we were to take down this forum, you can rest assured that not everyone will join the general nissan forum.

So in terms of combining, I am pretty sure that we are opposed to the idea, but a general nissan board for ontario may not be a bad idea.

Who will pay for bandwidth? Who will manage the money? Who will set club vision? Will each individual group maintain its unique identity? Will groups have a larger web-presence if they have more paying members then another? How will paying members be remunerated?


Just a few questions…

The idea isn’t really to abolish our current forums. I too understand that our respective groups are tight with each other. As with you guys, TMEC does have it’s own personality which might seem strange to you guys and the sentra group as well. I can’t speak for the sentra forums but I’m sure their community has it’s own style as well.
I do predict possible conflict between the groups that’s why it’s important to continue using our already established boards.

All good questions. In terms of establishing the forum and maintaining it, I would hope that each groups admin figures would contribute some effort into building up the site. Do I expect people to donate? No. It would certainly be helpful though. If my vision isn’t positively accepted amongst our communities, I likely won’t build on it because I personally don’t have the facilities to maintain a website.
We definately will keep our own identities. The board would include a discussion forum, FAQ/Install forum, and for sale forum for each Nissan model. There’d certainly be forums we’d all use and members would have access to all forums on the board. This is all up for debate seeing as of right now I’m just pitching the idea to each of our groups.

General Nissans forum = good

Abolishing individual clubs to merge into one megaclub/megaforum = bad

Putting all these clubs into one website in my opinion is not a good idea. We have a good thing going here and it took a lot of time and dedication from many people to make this club a sucess. I feel we have a good loyal group of members here and exposing our club to others outside of the 240sx community would only cause conflics. We are 240sx enthusiasts and there are 300zx enthusiasts out there as well as maxima enthusiast etc. Althoe we all love different cars the one thing we have in common is we love Nissans. Therefore what I think would be a better idea is:

Instead of putting all these clubs together I think it would be a good Idea to maybe have some meets together during the warm months. We can arrange a few meets that we can all attend. We will have out regular 240sx only meets and then we can also have Nissan meets that would bring all the nissans together.

Thats my opinion :smiley: .

I love son, you cant take it, i wont let you.

An overall general ontario nissan fourm though would be great.

I’ll have what he’s havin. :werd:

I’ll have what he’s havin. :werd:[/quote]

Club affiliations are always good. All Nissan track days would be cool as well.

We could have another forum, but SON won’t be merging or anything like
that so get that idea out of your head.

We’ve got alot going for us ATM, and it would be stupid to do something
like that.

We are trying to get the club more involved with motorsports and drifting.
Thats something limited to RWD cars. Alot of what goes on here is car
specific, and everything is working well.

An Ontario Nissans club could be cool, but I think members get everything
they desire from a car club with the way things are.


i already spoke with a guy from the maxima club last year about this, and i know a couple guys from the sentra club and we were also talking about this and using NWN as an example…

nothing happened but all thought it was a good idea.

shoot me an e-mail

cwong02 at uoguelph . ca

ya i think setting up something like NWN would be a sick idea, not at the expensive of SON obviously, but nWN has a pretty nice set up


What about 300zx`s. . . . . COMMON! !!!

Anywho, GENERAL NISSAN FORUM. No particulars, just NISSAN.

OR, look how this forum does it.

Look around, there are different Regions, they have a section JUST for TTs and a section JUST fo NAs.

Its very well divided and a perfect example of how your idea can be immersed. and if you were to have many brands under the Nissan umbrella in one Forum, this is how youd do it.

my .02


my intention is not to get everyone to ditch their existing forums. my intention is to see if members from each of our clubs would like to get together and discuss creating a board for all GTA nissan enthusiasts to frequent.

i completely agree and don’t worry i mentioned the 300zx enthusiasts in my initial post.

Here’s an idea of a forum layout…in terms of breakdown and division of each group.

General Nissan Discussion
300zx & 350z Related Discussion
—Z Discussion
—FAQs and Installs
240zx Related Discussion
—240zx Discussion
—FAQs and Installs
Maxima Related Discussion
—Maxima Discussion
—FAQs and Installs
Sentra Related Discussion
—Sentra discussion
—FAQs and Installs
Altima Related Discussion
—Altima Discussion
—FAQs and Installs
Xterra & Pathfinder Related Discussion
—Xterra & Pathfinder Discussion
—FAQs and Installs

For Sale Forums
300zx & 350z
–Parts & Modifications
–Cars For Sale
–Parts & Modifications
–Cars For Sale
–Parts & Modifications
–Cars For Sale
–Parts & Modifications
–Cars For Sale
–Parts & Modifications
–Cars For Sale
Pathfinder & Xterra
–Parts & Modifications
–Cars For Sale[/u]

The layout looks good. You may want to split tech. into basic and advanced, also including the “for sale” section in the main section per type of vehicle would be a good idea.

You may also want to include a general for sale section as well as a general chat if you want the forums to mix otherwise there will be a lot of segregation between the groups.