TNC - Going downhill?

ooooooohhhhhh big brother came looking for you how sweett…lol that was gay hahaha joke no hard feeling lol:p :stuck_out_tongue: :LOL :i :wink: :#


I think you guys should pull together and get this forum going again. This way the clowns that migrated to SON and are causing all sorts of trouble will come back here :smiley:

I’m just talking about what I’ve read on other forums. A lot of people went to Yorkdale and this guy with the 300 turned them off of meets because it just draws attention. In numerous forums you will see “I’ll never attend a TNC meet again becaue of the idiot in the 300.” A lot of those people didn’t even bother going to commerce gate.

I’m one for a good forum. To be honest I rather go to meets with other Nissans as opposed to sitting and watching 100 Maxima’s.

Perhaps planning events at shops etc. and get the club exposed more will help bring the attention back here. It was done before also on the Maxima site and turn out was huge. Why not organize a Show N’ Shine at a Nissan Dealership and entry is canned food for a good cause.

now … if only i can figure out a way to get rid of g35 owners who migrated to my350z … then we’d be set :hmm

That’s a really cool idea, maybe even have a Show N’ Shine at different Nissan Dealerships.

It would be cool too see old Nissan’s mixed with New Nissan’s

Thats actually a really good idea! I am down for anything. I have no problem going out for a show n’shine it would be fun. But nothin is for free right so im sure the dealership would want something in return!

:smiley: :A

The real issue is the lack of maturity with some TNC members who frequent these meets.
Too many kids showing up that feel they need to prove themselves in front of everyone.
As for yorkdale being the “meet” spot.:hmm . that was bound to fail from the start. Why would you organize a meet up in a location that has so much traffic?

Yea thats tru. yorkdale area always has a high amount of traffic even after the mall is closed. Its asking for trouble from police

i try to attend as many meets as possible but being in lindsay i cant make every one…i have to say that turn out is pretty poor but its just a time for like minded people to shoot the shit and talk about cars. in my younger days i was well into street racing, no trouble finding meets with 200+ cars and probably 1/2 were there to find a rece or 2. it came to an end for me when i was banned for a few months when a bunch of us got busted racing in an industrial area. the road surfaces in toronto are just wayyy to shit to do it now and besides its not very safe. a timmies would be better for a meet i think but thats just my 2 cents.

Actually it bolsters the dealers community relationship. This one that was done with Brampton North was done on a Sunday when the dealership was closed. There was no cost just canned food donation to a local community. Prizes were donated by the dealership itself.

yea but a show and shine would be good tho. Everyone can have there cars all cleaned up. Just chilllin maybe just post some flyers or somethin and have the community view the cars and stuff. I think that would be pretty good.