to the fat girl at the warehouse

Shut the fuck up u fat bitch and go eat a twinky :blue:


why do all the woman have the big mouths while there men run and hide


no the guys with the big woman…

I couldnt hear a word, she acted like i gave a fuck.:rolleyes:

Drama after I left?

She don’t like 8.1 :stick:

he wasnt there

some skinny bald prick took his place

f that bitch
but i would still :idhitit:

i,ll be hitting it soon enough bitch! :blue:

dont forget to roll her in flower

old, but good. :bigthumb:

i,m talking about the good looking sandy blonde one not the fat blonde dumbfuck :madfawk:

we all stoped at arby’s on the way back from the track about a month ago. And she ran her mouth alot about him. :drama: Is she his ex or something??? :kekegay: :itr41:


x2 :rofl: