Pics - as requested.

I’ll try and get some better pics when she didnt just get out of the pool. She looks 100x better with her hair down.

and on a side note for those that care, that my little brother second from the left.

why is she hugging another dude?

my little brother? maybe they’ve got something going on I dont know about… :scared:

but seriously, we’re trying to keep everything on the DL since im a manager and she works directly underneath me (no pun intended). That might piss off the higher ups.

beat that kids ass~!!! hahah

did you steal food from your little brother when you were kids :rofl:

not getting to bang the russian chick themselves is probably what pisses off the higher ups

the really scary thing is that I was that skinny up until I hit puberty. :hsugh:

he eats way more than I do. Nigga stole my metabolsim.

since the higher up is a 35 year old happily married woman, I doubt it.

been beating that kids ass since 1986.

this thread amuses me, thanks mike.

“I’m like magic at an 80’s orgy with no condom”…thats one’s for Kanut…GEAH!

I do what I can…

:rofl: I was late on getting that joke


i weigh 225 and am 6 foot. i got two younger brothers who both ran cross country, and played soccer. they can see their abs, i saw mine briefly in college. i still work them out when they get outta line though. :slight_smile:

I was at the doctor and weighed in at 252. Which is about 30-40lbs from where I’d really like to be (I have a very broad frame), but I weighed over 300lbs when I was in college. I didnt do anything to drop the pounds either… Just started being a little more active (I walk about 2-3 miles at work every day) and eating a little bit better. I figure if I exercise 3-4 times per week and make a real effort to eat better then I’ll be golden.

Boooo, You guys offically Fagged up this thread.

same here, both my brothers are obout 6ft and 170ish and can see there abs. i’m 6’2" 255-260 with a spare tire or two
