today i saw...

I would guess he delivers Pies. Sounds familiar.


okay that is weird, but, in hamburg I’ve seen the same girl walk her cat…and, walk her FUCKING goldfish, via a wagon with the goldfish bowl on the wagon.

What do you expect its Hamburg, hundred years of inbreeding will make you do some weird shit!


that is great - lol

AWWWW look at the cute puppy!!!

i saw it yesterday too from my mom’s porch…

So why do Irish guys wear kilts?

Sheep can hear a zipper.

lamb chops

i think i have this beat. while delivering in east aurora, i shit you not, i saw a guy walking a full grown llama down main street. i almost crashed my car.

lol at whoever called it a goat…

lol wtf

sorry… not to familiar with barnyard animals…

ILI. +1 for jam

I hate “ILI” and “IHI” and all that shit. ^ UGH.

But, on topic, that’s awesome.

And Tyler, I’ve walked my cat on a leash before. I was little though, and the real reason was probably that my mom was high and thought it’d be hilarious to watch me walk a cat.

And, my friend Jeremy just bought a baby goat. That is his and his girlfriend’s “child.”

And, I want a miniature pig. They’re called like pocket pigs or something.

And, a Llama in E.A. doesn’t sound too off. Doesn’t Squid on DITB have a Llama farm somewhere around there?

And, I hope this post is annoying.



Today I saw kevin oconnell in is infinity with the custom plate oconnell. I called him a fag.