Tom Clancy's The Division

Anyone else seen the trailer for this yet? This game isn’t coming out for quite a while, but it honestly looks like one of the coolest game concepts I’ve ever seen. It’s going to be a third person shooter open world MMORPG. Think Fallout 3 meets World of Warcraft, where the map consists of the New York City area.
Storyline concept:

Gameplay footage:

I was personally going to avoid buying one of the next gen consoles to save money, or at least wait til the price dropped. But now having seen this I can safely say that’s no longer the case.

Hopefully it won’t suck ass as much as the past Ghost Recon’s and such.

This game is going to change a lot of things.

I can’t wait.

Event, Myself and our other roommate will definitley be getting this.

Really interested to see how well they pull off the 1:1 NYC map… regardless, looks pretty sweet.

Skimmed through the video at work. Looks pretty cool. I’d only get it for PC though.

Most likely wont launch till 2015 :frowning:

This game (and the snow drop engine) specifically just keeps sounding more and more amazing.

  1. Where do you people find the time?
  2. The chick in the vid sounds pretty hot.
  3. Buying this game would surely ruin my life.

Same here but wow this looks good, is this for PS4 and Xbox One?

So who has PS4 and Xbox One, what’s the best one to buy? I’ve always been a PS fan but was pretty impressed when I saw some gameplay on the new One.