Tom on Myspace..

yeah well this is a stupid post!! but good for a few laughs!!

15 Cent Tom

The Peoples Tom!

Granny Tomilla Tom

The Suidcide Tommer!

Pac Tom

Gay Tom

Taco Tom

Russian Tom Milashevsky

Dentist Tom

Marlo Tomas!

tjose are all i found thsu far… all are so funny…

Maybe it’s me… but I can’t seem to get into this whole new My Space thing…

I’ve heard people going apeshit over this place, and it does nothing for me.

hmm having a girlfriend might be your issue :tup:

im on there…its not to bad. ppl like beck and emo kids live on there. but i really dont go on there to much cause the GF hates the site with a passion. she dont like the fact that girls show intrest in my looks.

ahahah maybe thats brandon’s probelm as well…

I’m on there as well…I can understand why your girl doesn’t like it… and it’s probably more the fact that is “” … especially on the picture comments. they’re actually showing interest in the fact that you have a penis.

some of the girls are… 16 and talk about getting naughty in bed and all that shit. what the hell. I hadn’t even kissed anyone when I was that age. what is that? I get these messages from dudes who think I’m one of them, so it actually turns into a fun game of “you’re an idiot and I’m smarter than you think”

as for all of the Tom profiles. I could care less about that dude. he doesn’t even own myspace anymore because he’s rupert’s bitch.

always hated myspace…

:tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup: :tup:
Myspace is ghey

well so do I but she doesnt seem to mind :wink:

You’re jealous :mamoru:

yea myspace gets a big ole :tdown:

Best post out of You that I’ve ever seen.

:word: another good idea gone bad.

…wait, no, it was always a bad idea

side note:

Dane Cook is on myspace, which ALMOST makes me want to make a profile, but i prob wont.

myspace is not as bad as you all think… besides it gets you laid apparently…

dont need myspace for that :wink:

i got all the guys i need right here on :smiley:

Thats sweet.

and then it’s embarrassing to tell people where you met her :tif:

now theres nothing wrong with meeting underage girls off myspace and having sex with them


Poor chellybelly :lol: I don’t know how she puts up with you :slight_smile:

lol i wasn’t reffring to myself there … sorry