Tomorrow's weather here at the beach...

81 degrees and sunny.


no pics no care

off to the beach right now!!! woohoo!

even I cant take picture of the future.

drive your ass down there and take pics of the present i’m tired of your construction and parking lot pics… i want sand, ocean, and girls!!! :blue:

PM me your celly!

hard to do when Im at work 14 hours a day. :hs:

that’s why there’s weekends!!! :slight_smile:

I havent had a day off since May 23rd.

world needs more ppl who know what work is! plus your evenings are better than just about the best weekend in pittsburgh so i don’t fee too sorry for you :bigok:


My evening: get home at 10:45. :shaggy: Watch Daily Show. Go to sleep. Wake up at 8 and go right back to work. And any night yo ugo out there is no way that you dont spend at least like 50 bucks.


sitting on the beach is free :dunno: add a case of keylite and you’ve spent $10 on a fine evening

aint going, no care

You should have came! We could have went out on the beach and fried up breakfast on your head!

they would have called in two beached whales!


our weather has been better than 83 and sunny :slap:

dude he has had the same freakin cell phone number since he was 16

memorize that shit!!

i havent had his number/needed to call him since I dropped my phone in the D4 shitter at WOW 2 years ago.

So Darkstar, you’re going to get me into a free room when I come down there with nothing reserved, right? :bigok: