sunset anyone?

im heading up to sunset with the G/F anyone interested?? got some bridge jumping to do. haha

lots of people already there…

just go, people will be there. I would be too…IF I WASN;T WORKING…BAHHHHHHH

what is sunset?

^^ beach

im working at 4, its ruining my WHOLE DAY!!!

i’m at work till 5… how the hell do u think i feel :lol:

yeah but you could still go to a bbq

true…i do have plans after work…so i guess it’s all good :stuck_out_tongue:

I know how you feel because I’m stuck at the same hell hole! :frowning:

im headed out there sometime today maybe

just got home from sunset, the beach is packed… awesome weather out.

saw the kid with the black 300zx… i dunno your name. :frowning:

eric blk300tt

i just got back from mickey rats good time

oh awesome…i jsut got back…oh wait…i’ve been working all day. nevermind

just got back… lol eclipse girl that cap had another person pulle dover same area on my way home again WTF

damn they are going nuts in that area…

i didnt get any tickets today :slight_smile: thank you very much.

there was no cops on the 90 going there or back for me which i found weird

yea i honestly couldnt remember your name either but i thought i would be nice and say hi. its all good


My name is Kristen for future reference. lol

I recognized your car, but i didn’t think i’d see any of you guys at sunset… that’s why i pulled the “do i know u?” lol.

I <3 sunset… great place :tup:

unless ya get there early in the morning though, t’s a pita to find a parking spot