Tonight 8/20 MIGHTY

Meet @ 10:30

“Cruise” @ 12

Gonna be a good time. :tspry:

i’ll probably swing up there tonight…see ya there

oh shit, its WOT time baby…i want a ride…

Looks like the weather is gonna blow on by. Seeya there!

I wanna go…Just to say Hi…

I’m in the mood for coffee, aaaactually.

so WHo went…IM gonna drive by there now…I have to go to wegmans so hopefully i’ll se some of you guys…


OK Just got back…NO one there…shit of course…Its fucking 12:45am lol

Meet was called on acount of rain…:banghead: :frowning:

Bahahaha…YOu SEE…I knew It…lol…:shoot:

eh…there was no rain :stuck_out_tongue:

i was there about 11 and no one was around