Tonight i drank

i’ll take three $3 beers over nine $1 beers any day.

Has anyone ever heard of “cheap ass beer” <something like that> its like $7 a case and a mix between a water down budweiser and an mgd…although it tastes unusual…I got quite croked off of it! Didnt think chugging a few down on an empty stomach would do anything…

if you cant tell the difference between Bud Light and Sam Adams you’re a fucking retard.

ROFL @ gauging wine on how drunk you get

i drink good bottled beer over any shit can any fuckin day… waht is the point of saving 4-8 bucks to drink piss?

Theres no substitute for Guiness.

yeah, Real beer :rofl:

evil eye is the best beer you can get for 8 bucks a case

after alot of beer it all taste the same, except guiness:puke:

I smoke el cheapo cigarettes when drinking, The more i smoke. why waste a good pack on 8+ cigs an hour while drinking.