Tonight - Off the Wall w/ dj.dstar

im back for a quickie no homo

haha, a+ thread


Fawk, you in town Don? Hmmm… I may be free tonite to make this. You gonna be around at all other than tonite to hang if I can’t make it?

depends who else is in, ive been out like every night this week, but ill try…

I really want to go. I really want to dance.


Fawk, you in town Don? Hmmm… I may be free tonite to make this. You gonna be around at all other than tonite to hang if I can’t make it?


for a quickie

i’m around tonight call the kid

sorry to be short winded with people, everyone wants to see me and i have a lot of shit going on in life…

oh shit, didn’t even know that’s you. Saw you play at off the wall over the summer with chea hawk. good times.

thanks! :smiley: