Tonights Call Outs @ Taffys

it’s starting to rain so I will take a rain check for next time homo

Its 9:45 and its pouring = no good

I know you are all in suspense…but I got a call saying the nova broke and is getting towed home :tdown:

maybe next week it wont rain and i can get some slow runs in too :tdown: before the good cars get out there :tup:

They did get a run though

&^^^ yea yea

yea if it was guna break it did it at the perfect time cuz it started to rain good not too long after we ran…

The breakage was a cig lighter sparking which blew a fuse and then im guessing shorted a wire somewhere…i’ll hit it with a test light tomorrow and get er’ done no biggs

Good deal…get it fixed and rematch before the snow falls

word we will i still got a few other ppl id like to settle up with b4 the sn0w flies

Keep the vids coming tho…it only motivates me to get a better internet connection :slight_smile:

onyx, vid please


Nice friendly runs, no BS

whers the vids

Nothing for about a week guys. I’ve got a new computer on the way, and my current HD is filled.

you can come over and use mine. I bet its fasssster

You won’t have the right sooooftware.


I’m sure I can get it