Either you will really like working nights or hate it. Takes a while to get used to switching back and forth to have a normal life. Sometimes its just better to sleep during the day on a consistent basis. That and get Sleeping Pills if needed!
I worked nights for a long time, its easier to stay awake than you think, especially when your up and moving. Winding down and falling asleep is the hard part. Hot shower usually did the trick, but everyone is different.
QFT… worked 2nd and 3rd shift all through college. Hardest part was falling asleep when everyone else was getting up and moving. Although I only had problems when I wasn’t going to school (summers and such) because when I was in school I was working 40 hours weeks so I was tired all the time.
The past few days I’ve worked 130pm-10pm, then today 7am-330pm, and tomarrow 1130am-8pm. Fuckin swing shifts suck. Its fucking up my sleep cycle like crazy.