Cossey,car looks really good.My fav is pic#3.
I am going to give you a quick honest critique.
1: The car seems “flat” to me and doesn’t really jump out. The image looks like it went through a mild HDR process. There seems to be some clutter around and behind the car that seems distracting. The focus seems a little soft in this shot too.
2: A tighter crop without the light pole I think would help this shot out. The car seems lost a bit in the environment its in.
3: Good light on the car; but I see more interesting backgrounds to the left and right that may be more beneficial. The car itself seems too close to the bottom of the shot.
4: This shot also appears soft, and I have mixed thoughts about the light pole growing out of the roof.
5: I like the symmetrical aspect of this shot, but the car is wayyyyyy back. I’d like to see the car up closer to the camera.
6: Same as number 1; car appears flat. Maybe a saturation bump would bring out more colors in the shot and you could crop out the light on the right hand side of the shot too.
7: I’m on the fence about this one. The car and surroundings have more pop to them, the colors/sharpness is better.
8: I’m still trying to decide if I like this shot…
9: I think a tighter crop on your subject would help a lot on this shot; I’m confused if the subject is the car or the building.
10: I like this location, lots of potential here. However, again I’m squinting my eyes to look at the car…then I am looking at the walkway overhead and all the interesting glass and architecture. In other words I am distracted by other objects and bright lights in this shot.
11: Better. Good angle on the car. I can see more of the subject (car), if the crop was a bit tighter and if we had some cocked wheels we may have a seXy tIMe image on our hands.