Took some photo's this morning.

Was bored and noticed the fog outside and decided to go for a drive.

Yes, my car is not special, but its all I had to work with.

I really like how the last shot turned out. It feels extremely isolated. None of the photo’s are cropped or edited.

yeah that last one is pretty sweet! It reminds me of the animal reserve. Is that just a black/white setting on the camera or did you do something else?

BTW Its sucks that you feel the need to preemptively explain why you don’t drive a “cool” car.

that looks depressing, i cant wait for simmer time.:frowning:

because you know someone will say “kool pics bro but your car is teh suck”

where do u live near 20a?

Yeah that was my point.

And when I wake up I am less happy about my pictures at a second look. Oh well. I don’t touch my camera enough to care. Yeah, its the B&W setting on the camera.

I dont live necessarily close to 20A. I will be living in Marilla for a month or two more. I just went for a drive this morning.

Personally i think if your gonna do black and white you need a shit ton of contrast and it looks great, but for being raw, not bad :tup:

is simmer time when you simmer down and are relaxed or something?

*Took some photos this morning.

If you really want to use an apostrophe:

This morning’s photos.


What do you think about these photos’ quality?

(The latter being an extra special case involving the possessiveness of a plural item… BONUS POINTS!)

An apostrophe may be used in rare cases where clarity calls for it, for example when letters or symbols are referred to as objects.[1]:p.66
The x’s of the equation
Dot the i’s and cross the t’s
However, the apostrophe can be dispensed with if the items are set in italics or quotes:
The xs of the equation
Dot the 'i’s and cross the 't’s

I am sorry that I do not reserve the apostrophe for more rare occasions. Though, I interpret that language to mean an apostrophe can be used at the writer’s discretion.

Thi’s is not a rare case that need’s to be clarified. You fail.

Edited for clarity.

Uh, no. That text is NOT saying you can use an apostrophe all willy-nilly wherever you’d like… If you read it as such, then that’s the second time you’re wrong in this thread.


I do like the first pic, tho!