Top Gear: Possible new American Version

Apparently NBC is developing a new, american top gear. I highly doubt it will match the original but it may still be entertaining.

top gear is top gear, because of the hosts. Any other way and it will be utter shit.

leave it to us to ruin something.

jeremy clarkson is fing awsome. i highly doubt we will be able to duplicate that show in the united states.

Eh, Top Gear is what it is because of:

1)the hosts, which we won’t have.
2)the european locations, which we won’t have.
3)the cars, which we get maybe 60% of.


So will our version be 20% as cool? Thats probably a stretch. Will it be completely awful like the remade American Gladiators and Knight Rider? Probably. I lost confidence in American mainstream/network television years ago.

maybe if jay leno hosts

jay leno is a fag.

American media cannot be impartial or independent. They will say what they get paid big $$$ to say.

I recently worked with a former Marketing director from Chrysler. He was incharge of advising jounralists about what they could and could not say about the cars in print media. He also allowed cars to be written about without the writer ever actually seeing the car… that is what american auto companies are like and that is what this show will be like.

unless Google or Apple produce the show.

they are actually going through with this… lets hope they do not f it up like they did to the office

This will be a farce, at best.

American lobbyists will turn the show into 44 minute long ad campaigns.

I can’t wait to see Americanized, detuned cars being run through the beautiful & scenic NYC. :bloated:


I’m willing to bet that the US version will be awful, but do you guys honestly think the UK Top Gear crew are impartial? May I suggest you watch any of the episodes where they drive Jaguar products.


haha they sackride jags soooooooooooo hard

no, not at all. They are admittedly biased. At least it is entertaining tho.

However, they at least give imported (to them) vehicles a decently fair shake. Hell, any given thread on NYSpeed will point out more flaws in an American vehicle then those guys do… lol

but you know what Jays means… they are clearly never going by somebody’s instructions to promote car X.

the reason top gear works in england on the BBC is because it’s commercial free. It won’t work even in england with the same hosts on one of the commercial channels. This is the reason why 5th gear is watered down and will never be as good…

they may market it as a top gear show, but it will never be any better then a spin off of 5th gear.

can you imagine GM placing a commercial during the show which says the suck?

I dunno when jeremy tried to tak the turbo diesel jag around the ring he was sorta shitting on it.