Top Gear Richard Hammond Critically Injured in Jet Car Crash

Hopefully a speedy recovery for Richard Hammond.

(Feel free to move this to entertainment, but felt it had some automotive value).


The sun reports he was going 280mph when he crashed. :frowning:

thats poopy…hope he gets better and comes back to the show…

Damn that SUCKS

That sucks.

Ugg, Thats shitty. Hope he recovers soon.

Pic of the “car” he was in.

Oh shit, that is one hell of a… death machine? That looks absoultly insane.

Hopefully he’ll pull though. :frowning:

This is terrible news.
I like him and wish him well.

“He has turned Top Gear into a gang show with Jeremy and James and the three of them have wowed audiences all over the world and he is an international personality.”


I want top gear seasons to be on dvds.

dam i hope he gets better

wow i hope he makes a quick, full recovery


That blows…

Think they will ever air the crash? I bet if he lives, they will.

oh man, hope he heals quickly.


it’ll be interesting to see what they say on the first episode of the upcoming season. here’s hoping he makes a full recovery!

Poor Hamster. :frowning:

That’s terrible.


I like him on brainiac as well


James May says Hammond is doing well and is acting just like his old self! :tup:



Good news. Im surprised the car didn’t roll at that speed…