Top Gear: Rolls Royce Phantom

As requested… I’ll up one video every evening.

steak and chips…and easy on the sauce…lol

nicely done haha…:R

I’m Gonna get some ballin’ “RR”'s for my Hondas to impress the ladies… :stuck_out_tongue:

im sorry but i dont think that wud impress the ladies…the smart ones atleast lol

We don’t always necessarily go after the intelligent ones… :wink:

ive noticed this many times over

hey speak for yourself gabe… :stuck_out_tongue:

lol i think u guys also tryyy to get the intelligent ones…but they fool u into thinkin they are

that car would be sweet to have… but who really has the pockets to afford one of them.

and i found an intelligent women. she’s smarter then i am so that works for me.

the ones that stick around longer are the smart ones…cuz they figured a way to stick around right lol

/fixed :stuck_out_tongue:

haha , either way you put it. im happy with her.

aassss loonnngg as ur happpy !! lol :stuck_out_tongue:

not a fan of the car…it’s blah

its good to be chauffeured in

driving miss daisy… lol

miss daisy who…lol

Who doesnt know miss daisy? is the real question hahahaha

that would be i lol