
your pregnant!!!???

:love: just kidding, hope you cheer up

ya man…if u dont talk to us on here…just at least talk to someone and get it out…dont keep that shit to urself…u need to get it off of ur chest

Attention Whore

x2 , but I hope everything works out what ever is wrong…

:finger2: :mad: :frowning:


What the hell is the point of “ranting” to “get it out” if you dont tell us what the hell is going on? How are we supposed to respond?

You could at least say its girl troubles, or car troubles, or something to clue us in.



:rofl: i like silvrhands picture :kekegay:

rubin are u pregnant?


dont be a dick

Hard to help u out when you don’t say whats wrong…

not lookin for help, but thanks… just venting

quit being an attention whore