should i wait to tell my parents(1 golfing in oregon, the other spending family time in pitt.) bad news until after they get back or just man up and tell them tomorrow, effectively ruining their vacations and also my sense of self worth?
yay, nay?
(p.s. my pops just called me and told me to “turn over” his baby since he hasnt driven her in two weeks)
I’m sorry for what happened, I felt terrible. Honestly, tell him the truth asap. Tell him how it happened and that you are going to take care of it, and not for him to worry. You made an honest mistake, and owning up to it and fixing the problem is the best and most mature thing you can do. You know damn well he will respect you for doing that, and won’t be as upset with you.
and im not scared of them or worried that they will be angry or hiding anything. obviously they have every right to be im just asking if i tell them tomorrow and ruin a week they would otherwise enjoy, or tell them when they get back in person?
dude im fucking telling him. straight up, exactly what happened. i just want some feedback as when would be the best time. not some fucking “life advice” about my “fuck up” so please logoff and keep ur smartass comments to urself. seriously. i was trying to be discrete about the situation, but obviously that cant happen around here.
make me sound better? get off ur high horse there champ.
bad news is a term you use when the actual “bad news” does not directly need be discussed. but im glad u took the initiative to just jump right and spell out what happened. good work