I fixed the 240 and I fired it up today . No need for a fuel pump,just a little wiring problem but ready to go now.:burnout:

fagGot!!!who tols & time ???:kekegay:


nice what was wrong with it exactly?

OH shit, did any electronics work properly on that thing? Who the fuck wired it! :stick: :slight_smile:

switch wire was loooooooose

wiring… go figure? the cause of so much damn stress!

One of the guys at work watched the video and commented that Pittspeed won’t be getting Advanced Auto as a sponsor (heard the comment about the crappy fuse block). :rofl:

hahah… thats the truth ruth!

whats funny is, advanced auto in Etna wants to bring the car to there car show this sunday.

yea really all that stress from a 5 dollar part. damm jew couldnt spend the 3 bucks more and got the good one lol.

and for the switches, when you load shit on the little control panel shit breaks like the nitrous switch and then you get someone that trys to adjust it and it becomes brittle and breaks when you go to use it. then when trying to get car fired you pull wires randomly to fix it…

oh well its done and over with…

yup,spend $80 on a breaker

actually the one breaker was donated, and other was sponsord by fishface

no shit,buy the donation for the not needed breaker went for a better fuse block!:kekegay:


who knew a fuseblock could be such a peice of shit:dunno:
next time have fish ass get us a real one then i guess

wire cleanly or label it would help too. but thats just my 2 pennies… i own a old vw, i know all about shit wiring. hence why it has a gm fuse block in it now.