

this probably could be moved to the spotted thread…

Will you stop posting like a 12 year old girl OMG My BFF Was like totally beeping her horn I h8 her for being just like u.

:tdown: to you sir,:angryhump:

^eh 2 completely different things… no one wants to hear a bunch of horns while they are out eating ice cream, not to mention they own half of the parking lot

yeah id be pretty pissed if i heard a bunch of tonka toy horns while trying to eat.

were they at the one on union and OP road in WS … b/c that one is not open dont try and get anything from there :tup: yea i tried to get food there on monday …it was not ok

miatas… I don’t know what the fuck “miattas” are

miatta? really? never seen one, did you get a pic?

