Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!


How does she speak?

Edit: If the State was allowing someone to harbor a dangerous animal without the proper regulation that is negligence and the victim is right to sue.

ugh… holy hell. :frowning:

thats fucked up

Was on Inside Edition, she has no eyes, she has no fucking fingers, just one thumb, looks like her entire left hand is gone, she has a trach and eats through a straw, if I were her I would want to be dead

“I totally disagree. The state allowed the owner to keep a dangerous animal on her property knowing full well the consequences of that decision. It shares in the blame. People think they can do and have anything but want none of the responsibilities that go along with those decisions. It’s about time people are held responsible for their actions.”

So, people being held responsible for their actions is equivalent to the government owing her money? The government is a representation of all the state’s citizens. How are all the state’s citizen’s responsible for what happened? That is like saying I hit you in the face with a boulder and it is the government’s fault for letting me play with a boulder.

edit: I read a rumor that the owner have the monkey anti-depressant’s?

You wanna-be lawyer fuck. I hate you and your shitty sue-happy attitude. Between the baseball bat thread and this thread, I’d be thrilled if you were hit by a bus.

It is not the State’s duty to ensure that nothing I do or own is potentially dangerous to someone else. Unfortunately, if people were actually responsible, scumbag lawyers like you’re aiming to be wouldn’t have a job…

Because this is America, it’s the governments job to make sure you have zero responsibility for any decisions you make, including deciding to help a friend when her 200lb ape goes bananas even though you have no animal control training.

LOL another brilliant ad hominem “I don’t like you because of your opinions” argument.

Go back to your cave…

I’m with this guy.

So basically if someone gets killed by a drunk driver, the family could sue the state for allowing them to register a car (and having the lame new NYS plates on it)? Could they sue the dealer for selling the car and the manufacturer for making it?

Let her sue the owner of the chimp, but the state shouldn’t be liable.

I saw the pics of her now and what she has to go through. $150 million isn’t going to do shit for her way of life. Shitty situation, but the state isn’t at fault.

I think she should sue the catholic church for inventing God, who in turn must have invented chimps and also created her destiny. It is clear negligence of them to not warn of crazy chimps in the bible.

I’m not going to attempt to condense an entire semester of Constitutional law for you. If you have a problem with the litigiousness of our society, look in the mirror and blame that guy. A lawyer is only a hired-gun. It is the people that choose to hire an attorney and file a suit. And try to remember, chances are there’s another attorney on the defendants side, not just a money-grubbing plaintiffs atty. You could also blame the politicians who create laws that allow for lawsuits and recovery for injury. Just try to not act so ignorant. Have a reason for your opinion, not just a blind ideology.


Lol, I almost felt bad, but then I looked at the poster of Darwin I have in my room and I laughed.

That’s the problem right there. The reason we can’t fix it is because the trial lawyers association is a huge lobby group that keeps lining the pockets of politicians. They get that money to line those pockets from their slice of all the BS lawsuits. Talk about a broken system.

move to Canada… hopefully we continue to emit massive green house gases so that it gets a little warmer up here year round… then there will be no reason to live in the US…

we have some contingency lawyers now though

Saw her on Oprah lastnight. She has no eyes, nose, and mouth. She can talk… and eats everything through a straw. The chimp also ripped both her hands off. The doctors were able to attach a thumb on her right hand. Pretty sad.

What about judges? They are lawyers too.

Or politicians? Many of them are also lawyers.

I’m just saying…