Tornado Touched Down in Cheektowaga?!

Whats even more amazing is that the tornado back in 87 was on july30th and hit about a half mile from where this one did.

People from Oklahoma part of “Tornado Alley"are now calling us babies”.

^ lol yeah probably. But we call them babies when they get 6" of snow and freak too.

look at the thirs picture down…notice anything out of the ordinary for late June in Buffalo?

THERES NO LEAVES ON THE TREES!!! nice try, media whore. try again

the twister went right past my work, and i live about 2 mins from there… i have pics of the damage, its fucking crazy

Yeah, I heard a sound around 2pm that I havn’t heard since I lived in oklahoma, Immediatly followed by one of the window screens being blown in the bathroom. Quite spooky, I definatly moved away from the windows in the house damned quick.

EDIT: Also appears to be minor roof damage too to the shingles.

Yea… it really messed up our cash vault I guess it picked up a DHL truck and dropped it, broke a gas line or 2 and caused other dammage… I had to stay kinda late at my office to make sure all the customer’s were going to get credit for their deposits,

this i found funny today;

as some may know i work at the mall and my store manager called mall security to see what the procedure was for something like this and he got this for an answer…

“umm well have to call u back on that one our boss is not here and we have no idea”

lol WTF

I’m doing the same too. Partly because I was from there. In all seriousness this “ain’t shit” compared to what you would see on a monthly basis out there.

And lol, at the procedure thing.:lol:

Then again you’d have to worry about that every 5 years or so

i was on southwestern (rt.20) at seven corners waiting to turn right onto big tree (20a) and saw a little funnel cloud form to the left of me by big tree and the I-90 overpass. it was really weird it was a little bit greyer than everything around it, and there was random trash and debris circling around about 35-60 feet in the air. that light couldn’t change quick enough. although it would have been cool if it gained strength, picked the beetle and I up and thrown us into walmart leaving me with only a few bruises and an awesome story to tell.