Totally stock KIA goes down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude i like had this totally stock KIA rev at me at the light today and i was like lets go and he looked at me and was like i,ll eat you alive.So i gave him the tumbs up and and the light turned green,so off we went. Well he had me off the line and walked the shit out of my car till around 100 or so and i just gave up on it,ehh you win some you lose some. :scared:

were you on your moped or the rental

his new bike!


haulin to many groceries. I bet you didnt know watermelons could wiegh you down much :kekegay:

those kias r fast, y0…

one almost had me, but i turned my A/C off and just barely edged him out.

:squint: :bluez28: