Touchstone Electric Pop Out TV Stand/Furniture

Hey Guys,

I have a touchstone TV Stand for sale. Not sure what the original MSRP was as I am not the original purchaser, just something I’m helping someone get rid of that was in their home. Looks like the original price based off their website was 2000$.

Just throw me an offer if interested. This thing is pretty heavy.

Here’s the link:



We just upgraded our furniture. Don’t get your hopes up but this might work in our new “scheme”. Forwarding it to the warden for opinion.

No worries, if someone takes it great, if its not gone by August it will be used in the summer ending bonfire.

The more I look at it, the more I feel like it would be great for launching huge fireworks.

What shape is it in? Scratched, peeling, etc?

I’d say 8/10, few scratches but no chunks or anything missing. Def could use a coat of varnish, then probably like 9/10

As much as I like it, it probably won’t fit my current and I know I won’t be going smaller. I’ll let you know if something changes. GLWS.

No worries thanks. Make offers, low balls welcome.

How low do they have to hang?

Lmao nice catch, should have drank my coffee before posting.

Bump, make offers, get this thing outta here.

BUMP, open to offers to just get rid of it, stopping by a couple furniture stores/pawn shops this week.

BUMP, still have this @1QIKZ, make an offer, again balls of low are welcome, calling around pawn shops today.



Your link doesn’t work any longer.

Thanks, I didn’t even bother to see if it still worked. Taking care of that now!

      • Updated - - -

Also - throw me any offers, balls of low welcome.

OT: you should grab this bad boy for your end of summer bonfire.!


Bump! At end of September going to give this to Amvets as a tax write off. Offers still welcome.

Well this is the FINAL bump, turns out the tax write off is so small I am better off keeping this for firewood. Pawn shop flaked on picking this up from me for 200$. 150$ or b/o. Once again low balls, balls that drag even, are welcomed.

Load up some pics? My grandparents were talking about one of these.