Traded my wheels

HUGE :tup: I love the new wheels.

lol. keep the bbs’s for christ sake

I liked the BBS better also. I also hate the stretched junk tires on the iForged.

there were way too many people to choose from to quote, chirst sake for the win

Sent you a PM about the I-forges

Those wheel will be a nightmare to upkeep if they are polished, especially with the mesh design. Not to mention the water retention issue I can vouch for.


I like the iForged wheels, but the BBS were hotter.


But it’s your car.


anything i see as “ixxxxx” that is not apple branded, i associate as cheap junk.


lol, i think you definitely should get the old wheels back, i mean if all of nyspeed liked them better that means you have no choice but to do it :ohnoes: :lol:

Yeah bryan did you actually trade these yet?


Keep the BBS.

if you had to go with the iForged, the polished finish looks a hell of a lot better than painting them black. Painted w/polished lip = so two years ago.


Next time you should start a thread so that you can get Nyspeed approval

i like the look of the iForged. i did like the CH’s better though. however, if you are pleased with them, that’s what matters. nyspeed may not like them, but anyone who doesn’t know the difference between BBS and iForged will.

if you need a ride when it’s raining, let me know. i’d be more than happy to pick you up in exchange for a ride in your car when it’s sunny. lol.

Or have MikeRI make one for you.

Have it be like, should I buy an e46, and if I buy an e46 should I change the bbs wheels for iforged, and if I do that, should I turbo it?

You’d get a yes on 2 out of 3 accounts.


the BBS are better looking, but don’t paint them, keep them polished.

well i havnt done anything yet, but the rain issue is a killer for me, im trying to find out if any fixes have been done yet, if not, im not doing it, i cant have the car undriveable in the rain

Well its not going to be undriveable in the rain, at least I really never noticed anything like that. I hardly get caught in the rain so I guess im not a good subject.

I think the big thing is maintaining polished wheels, its a bitch period. I guess you can zoopseal them which supposely seals them so they dont get water stains but I have never used it.