Traded my wheels

:tup: They look good in black

BBS :tup: iForged :tdown:

It’s your car but for posting I assume you wanted opinions. So I think you should keep the baller BBS’s.

Or go with what Mike said and get some BBS RS-GT’s, so hot but so pricey.

ive used zoopseal before, and it was great, so that aspect im not worried about, but the vibration issue is not something im prepared to deal with, i remember reading somewhere about a fix, but i havnt found any referance to it, and i know if i call i forged they probably wont even akknowledge the issue

Firehawk853 used zoopseal on his wheels and it seems to work pretty well.

where is rick smaefer when we need him…

he will convince you to keep the bbs

The worst thing about I-forge is their customer service, supposely it is better now. I know it sucked when I bought mine, but that was three years ago.

For some reason I like the DPE wheels on page 2 much better than the pics of the full polished ones you want to trade for. I dont know if its the finish or the wheels are slightly different.

i called i forged yesterday, and they called me back in 10 minutes of leasving a vmail, buti was driving and couldnt talk, id be interested to hearing what they have to say about it

im not trading anymore i dont think, not because of style, but the vibration will piss me off somethin fierce but in other news,


saw these, not sure if i like it or not

those are infinitely better than the iforge. and easy t keep clean.

My buddy PT had black pearl CH’s on his Jetta, you can ask him about them at the meet :wink:

Wait wait wait. So you still have the BBS wheels?


If the above is really true then follow these simple instructions:

  1. Put BBS wheels back on car
  2. Drive car.

The END. Don’t paint them, don’t powdercoat them don’t do shit. JUST DRIVE.

meh I still say keep the silver, but bbs>>>>iForgedandapplenamefornamereconition

yea, i havnt traded yet, i said i only made a deal, i was going to do it this saturday, but now, not so much


i like the wheels you have now alot better. black on black is getting overplayed.


Black on black looks like steelies. Contrast not found.

What’s wrong with the wheels that are on there as they sit?

you done fuck up again

Wow… yeah, don’t get rid of those BBS wheels. The car looks great as it sits, why screw with it?

oh goodness. don’t trade for iForged. you won’t be able to drive in the rain. keep the CH’s…please.