Trailblazer SS goes down

I am pulling on to the parkway around 11ish… Trailblazer flys up beside me while I am merging… It sounds pretty bad ass, so we hit a flat stretch and he jumps on it, i think oh shit downshift to third and go… Since he already pulled a car on me I only start to pull on him in 4th. So we hit another flat stretch… I start from behind him this time and pull about 2 good car lengths on him before I shut it down. I was pretty impressed for a freaking SUV, I think he was impressed for an import as he turned on the interior lights and gave me a thumbs up.

Then I got spanked by a Red RX7… but hey it still was fun!

240/Jetta ?

<--------wont happin with this one:D

nice kill


get it on the road partner!!! I will need like 10 lengths! I just did a quick read up on the trailblazer ss thats a badass rig!

nice kill :bigthumb:

Now take out the old guy. :rofl:

good kill

no locations please:kekegay:

sounds like fun. i wanna see how those things run. maybe ill run into one one day soon.

im giving u some time to mod!!!

awesome kill

i almost tradded in my durango for a trailblazerss when the gm had there 72 hr sale…it sure is a bad ass suv

was a young kid drivin the ss ?

Nice kill!


don’t think so, it was hard to tell buy I would guess like 30s with a shaved head

sounds like Brian to me. :tounge:

2 things black = poop & i wouldnt of lost!:burnout:


you won’t be laughing when pewter flys past you:kekegay:

& u ,adam,quik etc

not if i can help it

first,u need my help!:stick: