tramp stamps

i always thought toys r us used the slogan “i dont wanna grow up” guess there looking at new ways to bring the whore out in the little girls so they can sell some more toys to there bastard children…

Might as well be a bullseye

lol… that’s pretty friggen ridiculous that they’d have those… :crackup

its like selling those Bratz dolls. “here you go little 8 yearold girl, dress like this”

I have the same feelings for moms who allow their daughters to get these as I do about the moms who allow their daughters to go to that Libby Lu store in the mall

i just love how its between hannah montana and disney or smething like that.

So when kids decide to follow their celebrity role models and get on a diet… what sizes do they start wearing? All kid sizes were bought up by Nicole Richie.

I was JUST ABOUT to mention that store. It’s the first thing I thought when I saw the article. that store is like slut boot camp. I dont know about anybody else here, but if I have a daughter, I’m not going to want her to dress up like a slut and do a little singing routine for her birthday in front of 50-100 random people in a Crossgates Mall. I make an effort to scan the crowds outside watching the little “show” when I’m coming down the escalator, and I can usually spot 3-5 people who fit the likings of “pedophile”

shit makes me sick.

'the hell is a Libby Lu?

its this slut store next to the pretzel place in x-gates


do they have legal sluts in there? ;D

No, its a store where little girls go and get make up put on and fancy dresses and shit put on them. My girlfriend explained it to me… its sickening.

hahaha tramps-r-us

I see a potential new market :lol

I’m going to hell.

if my daughter’s mom tries any of this crap she’s getting smacked. i will never let my kid partake in any of this bullshit. makes me sick as well…